Monday, November 24, 2008

Demon World Characters

My Family!

Nickname: N/A
Full name: Aiden Radic
Gender: Male
Birthday: September 9th
Sign: Virgo
Animal: Hawk
Ability: Increased agility
Weapon of choice: Fists or his Sword
Height: 5'8'
Weight: 138 pounds
Hair color: Long-ish, Brown
Eye color: Yellow
Sexuality: Gay
Clothing preferences: Simple, Lightweight
Other details: King of The Makai. (Demon World)
Personality: Intelligent, Protective, Fair.
History: He doesn't like to talk about it.
Favorite color: Royal Blue!
Favorite food: Steak
Least favorite food: Carrots
Likes: Peace and Quiet.
Dislikes: Chaos and Noisy people.
Talent: Kicking Ass.
Weakness: Hiroshi...

Nickname: Hiro
Full Name: Hiroshi Radic
Gender: Male
Birthday: June 20th
Sign: Gemini
Animal: Blood Alchemist (My own version)
Ability: Heightened Sense of awareness, The element of Surprise
Weapon of choice: He doesn't like to fight. But if he must he prefers something along the lines of a spear or staff.....
Height: 6'1'
Weight: 143 pounds
Hair Color: Long, Silver
Eye Color: Green
Sexuality: Gay
Clothing Preference: Long sleeves, Soft
Other Details: Aiden's husband
Personality: Friendly, Witty, Sweet.
History: He doesn't think it's very interesting to talk about one's past
Favorite Color: Purple
Favorite Food: Shushi
Least Favorite Food: N/A
Likes: Roses, Children and Pets.
Dislikes: Anyone who threatens his family.
Talent: Verbal Jousting...
Weakness: His kids.

*Angel, Emma and Xander are Aiden and Hiroshi's children

Nickname: N/A
Full Name: Angel Radic
Birthday: Febuary 29th
Sign: Pisces
Animal: Fox
Ability: Fire
Weapon of choice: Dagger
Height: 5'9'
Weight: 131 pounds
Hair Color: Long, Black
Eye Color: Red
Sexuality: Lesbian
Clothing Preference: Loose, Comfortable
Other Details: Emma's twin sister, Krystal's girlfriend.
Personality: Occasionally Bi-polar, Loyal, Dedicated, Violent.
History: Lived in the castle her whole life
Favorite Color: Red
Favorite Food: Everything except Cucumbers.
Least Favorite Food: Cucumbers.
Likes: Chasing people around the castle, and Training.
Dislikes: Being told she can't.
Talent: She learns very quickly.
Weakness: Krystal, Siblings, Headstrong.

Nickname: Kitty
Full Name: Emma Radic
Birthday: Febuary 29th
Sign: Pisces
Animal: Cat
Ability: Lightning
Weapon of choice: Sai. (But their impractical, so she doesn't use them often.)
Height: 5'6'
Weight: 128 pounds
Hair Color: Shoulder length, Red
Eye Color: Purple
Sexuality: Bi-sexual
Clothing Preference: Cool Looking and Comfortable.
Other Details: Angel's twin sister, She's new to Demon World and she still hasn't gotten the hang of her powers yet. Has a huge crush on Eclipse.
Personality: Energetic, Outgoing, Loud.
History: Lived in Human World for 16 years.
Favorite Color: Purple
Favorite Food: Ice Cream!
Least Favorite Food: Coconuts
Likes: Japanese Music, Dancing and Alice Cooper.
Dislikes: Emo'z.
Talent: Nothing she feels is important...
Weakness: Falls in Love too easily, Hates to see her friends and/or family memebers in pain.

Nickname: N/A
Full Name: Xander Radic
Birthday: December 28th
Sign: Capricorn
Animal: N/A
Ability: Shapeshifter
Weapon of choice: Deception! Haha...or a Staff works too.
Height: 5'7'
Weight: 136 pounds
Hair Color: Short, Unkept, Black with multicoloered pieces mixed in...
Eye Color: Green
Sexuality: Undecided
Clothing Preference: Something that fits.
Other Details: Youngest Radic kid
Personality: Slightly Withdrawn but still Fun. Creative.
History: Has lived in the castle his whole life
Favorite Color: Dark Green
Favorite Food: Crackers.
Least Favorite Food: Fish.
Likes: Watching his sister Train, Drawing Pictures.
Dislikes: Being treated like a "kid", Feeling left out.
Talent: He's very persuasive.
Weakness: Pudding...

Nickname: Krys
Full Name: Krystal McKay
Birthday: Febuary 14th
Sign: Aquarius
Animal: N/A
Ability: Touch-Know
Weapon of choice: She tries to avoid fighting.
Height: 5'0'
Weight: 105 pounds
Hair Color: Long-ish, White-ish Blue
Eye Color: Blue
Sexuality: Bi-sexual
Clothing Preference: Something Light and Flowing.
Other Details: Angel's girlfriend, Resident healer
Personality: Shy at first, then AWESOME!
History: Krystal originally came to the castle to become the healer's apprentice, and that's where she met Angel?!
Favorite Color: Silver
Favorite Food: Milkshakes.
Least Favorite Food: Strawberries.
Likes: Hanging Out, Sleeping In and Being Silly.
Dislikes: Mean People.
Talent: Making people feel better.
Weakness: Trying to help everybody, all the time.

Nickname: N/A
Full Name: Eclipse Deimos
Birthday: July 3rd
Sign: Cancer
Animal: Dragon, but shush! It's a secret...
Ability: Increased Strength
Weapon of choice: Sword
Height: 6'3'
Weight: 160 pounds
Hair Color: Long-ish, Black hair, that fades to purple in the bottom couple of inches.
Eye Color: Dark Blue
Sexuality: Undecided
Clothing Preference: Doesn't matter as long as it fits.
Other Details: Lies to Aiden and Hiroshi about his abilities and past, Captian of the gaurd at the castle. Eventually winds up married to Emma.
Personality: Quiet, Withdrawn, Caring, Somewhat defensive.
History: Don't ask, he won't tell you.
Favorite Color: Black
Favorite Food: Ramen
Least Favorite Food: Brushell Sprouts...
Likes: Being Mysterious.
Dislikes: Nosey people who ask to many questions!....and John Travolta.
Talent: He takes a hit well...
Weakness: He doesn't broadcast his weaknesses...

My Bad Guys

Nickname: N/A
Full Name: Kazuma, Keiran
Birthday: Unknown
Sign: Unknown
Animal: N/A
Ability: Necromancer Extrondanaire
Weapon of choice: It doesn't matter to him...
Height: 6'2'
Weight: 136 pounds
Hair Color: Long and Black
Eye Color: Neon Green
Sexuality: ...
Clothing Preference: Something that has either been stolen from an opponent or makes him feel superior.
Other Details: In his opinion Aiden is unfit to rule The Makai. END. Of. Story.
Personality: Sinister, cruel sense of humour, EVIL!
History: ...
Favorite Color: Blood
Favorite Food: Humans
Least Favorite Food: Sweet things...
Likes: Death, Panic, Destruction, Blood, Fighting...
Dislikes: Aiden, Losing...
Talent: Being the creepiest person you will ever know.
Weakness: He likes to pretend he doesn't have one.

Nickname: N/A
Full Name: Kazuo
Birthday: Unknown
Sign: Unkown
Animal: N/A
Ability: Drains the life force from other demons
Weapon of choice: Scyth
Height: 5'11'
Weight: 120 pounds
Hair Color: Short and Unkept, Brownish
Eye Color: A Dull, and Hazy Grey
Sexuality: Nothing and No One interests him..
Clothing Preference: Doesn't matter
Other Details:
Personality: His mind is very complex, but you wouldn't nessicarily be able to tell that by looking at him. He doesn't talk much, he has no interest in friends, sex or power. He has no emtional connections to anything. He does things purely to see if he can.
History: Nobody really knows anything about his past but it is to be assumed that with an ability like his he had a crappy childhood.
Favorite Color: Grey
Favorite Food: N/A
Least Favorite Food: N/A
Likes: Fighting, testing his limits...
Dislikes: People...
Talent: Unknown
Weakness: He doesn't care if he lives or dies...

Nickname: N/A
Full Name: Kazuma, Kikyo
Birthday: N/A
Sign: N/A
Animal: N/A
Ability: Shadow Manipulation
Weapon of choice: Shadows, she tries to avoid of psychical confrontation.
Height: 5'4'
Weight: 124 pounds
Hair Color: Black, Long-ish
Eye Color: Purple
Sexuality: She is attracted to power.
Clothing Preference: She likes things that make her look both appealing and dangerous at the same time.
Other Details: She is the only daughter of Kazuma, Keiran and she was once engaged to Eclipse. She's also not important until the sequal.
Personality: Twisted, and Vengeful...
History: She focuses only on her future.
Favorite Color: Black
Favorite Food: N/A
Least Favorite Food: N/A
Likes: Eclipse, Irony, Causing pain.
Dislikes: Losing...
Talent: Pissing Emma off
Weakness: Her plans are not always thought all the way through and she's a terrible fist fighter.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Honey,

I read this one before but I am rereading all your posts, so you can't say that I haven't read them anymore!!! I like your descriptions.