Friday, November 28, 2008

Damnit Xander...

Alrite, so I just realized that Xander is the only member of the Radic family that doesn't have an animal counterpart/spirit/whatever you want to call it. Which is how I thought I wanted it to be, then I started thinking, maybe he shouldn't be the only one. Now I'm faced with a delima...

If I decide I don't want Xander to be alone, then that means I have to change someone Else's powers. The most logical choice being either Hiro or Aiden. Which I really don't want to do, because both hawks and wolves mate for life, which I thought would be a cute little commentary on their love....not that many people would catch that, but still. And changing Emma or Angel just wouldn't be the same.

If I decide to give Xander an animal however, I have to first come up with an animal, then I'd have to rework the plot line in part two of the story. Which would suck. (If I end up doing this Xander's animal is gonna be something a platypus or something)

Does anybody think it really matters if Xander's the only one without an animal? Or do you think it would make more sense to change someone Else so he's not alone? (Hiroshi, would probably be the one to get changed.)

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