Come Guys!
Let's sing the Silent Hill song!
Anyway, dream blog time! Last night I had a dream that I got the new Silent Hill video game, but instead of putting it in the X Box or something like that, I got in my car and drove to Silent Hill, cause that's how you play, I guess! And I get out of my car and I'm running around in the mist looking at dead bodies and shooting at monsters and stuff. Then I think that I see Pyramid Head and I get really excited! But it's not him. Awwww, -sad face- So, I keep exploring. And then all of a sudden, I'm like wait! I have to go to bed soon, maybe I should stop playing so I don't have bad dreams! Hahaha. Ironic. Anyway, I turn back and try to find my car again but I can't. And then I get attacked by Wolves. And I kill like two of them and the third one I kick in the face but obviously that doesn't kill him. So, he keeps chasing me around. And eventually I find like the actual town part of Silent Hill and this random guy comes flying out of no where and he's like come with me, I can protect you! Okay, so I follow him but the wolf is still chasing us, like through apartment buildings and things. Cause apparently neither of us is capable of closing any door that we run through. Then we somehow lose the Wolf. And this random guy, who looks suspiciously like Vincent from the new Silent Hill movie,
takes me to his club house, and there's a few more people in there. And they're all like, we're so safe here! And I'm like, we're in fucking Silent Hill, no where is safe Dude. And I'm trying to convince them to leave, and then Pyramid Head kicks the door in and waves the Great Knife around everywhere and people are screaming and running and I'm like aweeeesome! Staring at him and stuff while I'm being dragged from the room. AND THEN?! I wake up cause my phone is ringing a lot from text messages. And I look at my phone and I'm like damn, I wanted to meet Pyramid Head. Hahahaha.
He loves me <3 p="p">
Too bad that's Poser Head.
Anyway, I think that we need to talk about the new movie. I haven't seen it yet, but I know that it's pretty much based on the 3rd game. And based on what I've read so far, I've got a problem with that. Why you ask? Because Vincent is the greatest character in the game! He's a crazy priest and he's kind of hott and he likes to fuck with people's minds! He's amazing! But it would seem that in this movie he is not a crazy priest, he's like a kid. He's Heather's age! Ummmm, what? No. Not okay with that. Not okay with it at all. The only good thing about Vincent being all messed up from what he should be is that maybe Claudia won't kill him at the end. That would be good. Although, if he's not the same as in the game then maybe I wouldn't care so much if they killed him. Ya know?
Glad that Pryamid Head is making an appearance! Even though he's not in the 3rd game. Hahaha
Looks like he got more ripped too.
And Nurses!
But those are in every Silent Hill game pretty much. Hahaha.
And I suppose that that's all I got for right now. I'll likely rant and rave about the movie sometime after I see it. IN 3D! IN IMAX! At which point I may or may not wet myself. Hahhaha. Either way, I'm amped and it's gonna be amazing! Except for the part when they kill Sean Bean. Cause I know that they're going to do it! I know it! Hahaha
I have also yet to see it, but I've heard it was meh. Which makes me all sadface inside.
Not too many people liked the first one. I can't imagine that the reviews for the second would be spectacular. Either way, I shall make up my own mind about the movie.
Really? Wow I had no idea.. That gives me hope.
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