First of all, I'd like to thank you all for your killer input on my Rocher crisis. No really, you guys really saved the day on that one, thanks. -_-"
Secondly, me need to discuss Eclipse again. He's a Dragon.
And he's a Dragon that looks an awful lot like this one does actually. Thanks Google. Hahaha.
Anyway, in the Animal Kingdom, some animals mate for life, like Hawks and Seahorses and Wolves and others are whores, like Humming Birds and Men. And since Dragons are mythological and all that, there's no real determination about whether Dragons are whores or not, and I don't really care enough about what everyone else has decided on this issue to go and look up their consensus. Soooooo, I've just decided that, at least in my World, Dragons mate for life.
Dragon Loooooooooove
Yaaaaaay, Eclipse isn't a whore. He's like Number 4!
Sorry, that was really lame. But I couldn't help it! I just read the book and it was pretty good!
Like the writing is meh, but the story is good. And Henri's death is actually like 50 times more heart breaking in the book. Especially if you picture Timmy while you're reading it.
Timmy <3>
Okay. So, anyway, part of the reason that I decided this is that I was thinking of having Eclipse and Aiden talk sometime before Emma and Eclipse get married. Because you know right off the bat, Aiden threatens to kill Eclipse and he hates the idea and all this, blah, blah, blah. But obviously he's not gonna stop the wedding because Emma and Eclipse are in Love and Emma pregnant with his Baby and all that. So, I was thinking that they should talk. Aiden can yell and threaten and then Eclipse is gonna be like, look you don't have to like me or trust me or any of that crap, but you better believe that I'm going to be there for her cause Dragons mate for life and I knew that when all this started and I wanted to be with her stuff like that. And I don't care if you think that's cheesy or not, I like cliched romantic gestures and things of that nature and it's my book, deal with it! Hahahaa.
And so there's the main point of the post and some random pictures for you. If you have a comment about the Dragon's matting for life thing then you're welcome to share it as always. And that's pretty much it!
Oh wait! I forgot to mention that I'm changing my little brother's name again.
Fiore is going to be Kaori now.
Deal with it.
1 comment:
toodles really.
i like the whole dragons mate for live thing but the flaw is that if Emma is a tiger tigers do not mate for life most bigcats do not
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