Okay. Soooooo, I decided like yesterday when I was half asleep that Blaise should try his hand at Blood Bending. Don't know what that is? Then perhaps you should reacquaint yourself with with Avatar. Specifically the episode where Katara goes looking for her revenge on the man that killed her Mother.
Anyway, I know that you are all highly concerned about this! (or at least mildly curious...) But don't worry. I'm not gonna turn Blaise into some crazy puppeteer, that turns everyone into his meat puppets and what not. Like Ash-Gela does in Black Butler. Hahaha.....

No! We will not be having any of that crazy Black Butler type nonsense going on in MY book.
And I know that you're all going "But Lady Kaye, why are you going to give him this epic power if you're not going to let him use it?" or at least if any of you cared you might ask that.... WELL I'LL TELL YOU WHY?!
Firstly, why shouldn't he have this power? The body is made up of something retarded like 80% Water and I've already given him the ability to boil someones blood in their veins! Remember how he killed old what's his face the Scorpion that no one remembers except me? Yep. Good times... Anyway, if he can boil a person's blood in their veins why shouldn't he be able to bend it while it's in their veins? For Realz. I see no reason why not to let him.
Secondly, I am going to have him try to use it on Eclipse when Eclipse goes berserk to try an control him, so that he and Vlad have to run over there like they do. Of course, Blaise will fail because at that point Eclipse will be too powerful for Blaise to control. But I feel like it will add to the scene in two ways. The first being to open up a little more on what Blaisey can do and the second being to show the super dramatic jump in Eclipse's power level. Which I think this is kind of important. Ya know?
Then I'll probably have him use this super duper cool power of his in book 3 for both interrogation purposes and some other stuff. Sooooo, look forward to that. And I suppose that that's it. Cheerio!
Oh! And Extra Points for anyone who gets the Mgnha reference in the title of this one! Except Wolf Cakes cause he was there. Hahaha.
Avatar <3
Mgnha! Is not from Avatar. I'm sorry, you lose.
Also, that's not really an opinion of what I posted.
i was not guessing at your reference. And...nothing bout the post. expressing my love to avatar. gawsh. critic of critics
What can I say, I prefer comments that are actually in some way helpful. Guess I'm just strange that way. -shrug- X3
wanna fight?
Yea Bro, let's go! I'll take you out right in the middle of Math Class Bro!
It'd make for a cooler scene if Blaise kept gaining and losing control of Eclipse. Like it'd be all dramatic and shit
i feel if your going to have him do blood bending, that he has to actually be touching the person he wants to bend, maybe even be touching the guys blood, like for eclipse, have him semi stab his back with his fingers, to induce pain so stop him so his bending can take effect, or that the pain makes it so it has no effect? something you can ponder over
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