Hello To All Of You!!
My Most Loyal of Fans!!
Your Comments and Critisims, and General Lack of Concern for Anything and Everything that I Post is, so very, very Touching.
Today I Would Like, If I may,
To Introduce to You,
My Newest Characters
And Talk a Little Bit about Their Plotline.
And Talk a Little Bit about Their Plotline.
May I Introduce,
Mr. Gabriel Darkholme.

Gabriel Darkholme is a Reaper of Souls. And no, He's not the Grim Reaper. The Grim Reaper collects souls when it's their time to die and ferrys souls to the UnderWorld. Gabriel doesn't do that. Gabriel is a Reaper of Souls which basically means that he is the person you would go too if you should ever wanted to Sell your Soul to the Devil. He's the Devil's Little Solider, He's the Devil's Little Tool. (-Alice Cooper) He makes the Transactions and collects your debt when the time is right. He doesn't use a scyth. Because scyths are lame and over used. I haven't yet decided what I want his weapon to be. But I'm working on it!
Anyway, I created Gabriel and the entire plotline to this little side project of mine in one day. And it was all inspired by his name, Gabriel Darkholme. Because I personally think that the characters name is one of the most important parts of creating a believable character! So, after I came up with the name I worked backward and tried to come up with a persona and situation that would fit such a fabulous name! And yes. I am really, freakishly proud of myself for coming up with such a sexy name. Get over it! Um, I've never worked backward like this on a project before, but so far, I'm pretty happy with the resualts.
Soooo, I think that Gabriel is Gorgeous. When I went to make his SIM I was just messing around and playing with a very rough idea of what I wanted him to look like. I didn't download anything for him at all. I was just working from what I already had. But I really like how he came out. Still, I think that I might prowl around the download sites for things. You never what you might find right?
And Now,
The Lovely Miss Anya Ravencroft.

Anyway, I'm not entirely sure that I'm happy with Anya's appearence yet. But the story shall be set in the mid 1900's, sooooo I can't get too crazy with her appearance. I want her to be simple and pretty.
Great news!! I have finally decided on a cosplay costume, no thanks to My Princeling or any of my friends. Annnnnndddd the winner is,

Sera Myu Sailor Saturn?!
She's pretty, right? Hahaha. Anyway, I love the costume. Purple and Black is kind of my favorite color scheme, so it works out well. And since I'm getting it taylor made to fit me, I won't have to worry about the skirt being up around my chest or the bow weighting more then I do like some Sera Myu cosplays that I've seen in the past. Sooooooo, YAY!!
Maybe if you're good little fans, I'll post some pictures for ya'll when it's done. -wink-
well my dear lita i like the idea of your random ass side project but what have yet understand is because he works for the devil does that make him evil or is it a Ghost rider thing. anyway you will make a very cute saturn.
More Ghost Rider-y. Except with a more Azrael/Loki type twist too it.
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