From Fire Breathing Smilie Faces...?
Okay sooooo, I have been writing a lot lately. Almost constantly actually. Believe it or not, it's true! Hahaha. And whhhyyy haven't you seen any of this fabulous new work, you may or may not be wondering? Well, I'll tell you!!! It is simply because Blogger absolutely refuses to let me copy and paste my stuff from word documents into the post, which is beyond annoying. Especially because you can more or less copy anything that you want from anyone's blog.... And really, what the hell is that about? Hahaha.
Anyway, the two people who actually read this blog on a semi regular bais have been complaining of late that I haven't posted anything relevant in awhile. Which is true. And too this I offer but one excuse, my Honors class is really kicking my butt with all of this homework. I mean really! ....Oh wait. Two excuses! I've basically worked out all the little details of my story in my mind already, so I don't have something significant to post every ten seconds because I've got it all figured out! So, take that! Two perfectly valid excuses!
Anyway, the two people who actually read this blog on a semi regular bais have been complaining of late that I haven't posted anything relevant in awhile. Which is true. And too this I offer but one excuse, my Honors class is really kicking my butt with all of this homework. I mean really! ....Oh wait. Two excuses! I've basically worked out all the little details of my story in my mind already, so I don't have something significant to post every ten seconds because I've got it all figured out! So, take that! Two perfectly valid excuses!
However, just too make this post relevant, I have decided to post some more timeline-y stuff for y'all. Not that anyone cares. But still, how does Blaise's Timeline sound to you guys? Good? Good. 'Cause I'm going to post it whether you want to hear about it or not. Hahaha!
Blaise's Time Line.... GO!?!!
Age 6
-Blaise's family is brutually murdered by a psychopath
-Blaise gets Amnesia and/or Repressed Memory Syndrome
-Blaise joins The RoQuero'Kubeh!
Age 20
-Lucian is murdered by the same psychopath that killed his family so looong ago
-Blaise kills the psychopath!
-Blaise's memories are restored
-Blaise is named Lucian's sucsessor!
-Nicademus decides to stay with The RoQuero a bit longer too help Blaise out and ensure that Lucian's dying wish is respected
Age 22
-Nicademus leaves The RoQuero'Kubeh
Age 28
-Blaise meets Emma for the first time at the party!
-Blaise and Emma become the bestest of best friends EVAR!?!!
Age 32
-Blaise and his trusty RoQuero fight alongside the Royal Family in Kerian's War
-Blaise is critically injured in battle, and saves Eclipse's life, only to be poisoned by his super toxic Dragon Blood!
-Blaise's DNA is mutated, making him a half Dragon!
Age 39
-Darnell arrives from Earth and joins the RoQuero
Age 40
-The RoQuero and many, many innocent travellers are under the constant attack of Kikyo
-Blaise and Nicademus and The RoQuero team up with Emma to save Serena an Eclipse from Kikyo!
-Kikyo is murderlizeded!
Originally I had wanted to try and combine all of the main character's timelines together to create one gaint timeline. But I can't figure out how to type it out so that it makes any sense. I can only draw it apprently. Sorry. But that's just how it is.
And yesh, I started as many bullets as possible with Blaise's name. He's awesome. Deal with it. Hahahaha. Yea. So, that's it for this post I think.
well the timeline works for me. i think it makes sense. and have you tied using the copy and paste codes rather then rightclick i was on a cite once that i needed to use the code not rightclick.
Perhaps. Except I have no idea of what codes you are speaking. Hahaha. -slow-
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