He was the first custom character me and my friends ever made on Soul Calibur. <3 He fights Voldo-style and it's pretty hillarious. Hahaha. And I will admit that his name is truely awful, but he's just soooo funny.
Hahahaha. I think he looks like Mardi Gras just threw up all over him. Doesn't he? Hahaha. Anyway, the other day me and my bestest best friend in the entire world were hanging out and we got bored and decided to try and make Saint Queerbait on this totally epic Sailor Scout maker Celes found and.....BEHOLD HIM!
I think He/She looks pretty good. Hahaha. Then Celes tried to make one that didn't look AWFUL...needless to say she failed. There is no concievable way to make Sailor/Saint Queerbait look any less awful then he does and have him still somewhat resemble the original. Hahahaha. It's impossible.
Um, Anyway I used the Sailor Scout maker to make a bunch of my characters, and some of them came out looking pretty epic. I'll post them eventually. Hahahaha.
And again, I apologize for the crappy pictures. My phone's camera really doesn't like to take pics of the TV or really thing else actually.....
what do I say to this... frightning.
If you don't have anything to say, then why did you bother to comment, I wonder...
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