Okay, so this is another
irrelevant post! It has nothing to do with my book, it's just a rather epic idea I had for a story, starring
BLAISE and a bunch of my other Original
Characters. Now this story would have to be an
InkHeart fan fiction or spin off, because saying that I came up with the whole thing by myself might as well be
plagiarism. Which is not cool.
-Anyway! We start off examining
Blaise's completely dismal life. He's about 12 years old. And he lives in Victorian London. And his life pretty much sucks. His father is out of work and can not find a job anywhere. His mother works as a maid in the
Governor's house hold. And his younger brother is terminally ill, and they have no money for medicine! Didn't I tell you his life was horrible?
Blaise is one of those people who hates being helpless, so he does whatever he can to help out. But he's 12 years old, how much can he honestly do? When he realizes that he can't possibly do enough to help,
Blaise gets frustrated and depressed. AND THAT IS WHEN EVIL STRIKES!?! Yes, in the form of a creepy whisper in the dark, that speaks using the wind as it's voice. And this voice tells
Blaise that he can help
Blaise's family, but only if
Blaise brings him back to life/sets him free first. And, of course
Blaise believes him, because he's a stupid,
desperate 12 year old and he loves his family!
-So there is this whole ritualistic type thing, that involves....Um, I haven't given this part of it much thought.... How about stealing a bone from
Kerian's grave, some of
Blaise's blood, a personal item from each of the people
Blaise wants to
Kerian to help....And maybe, some chanting or a spell or something? A big, old Pentagram or A talisman
-ANYWAY! When the ritual, whatever it winds up being, is finished
Kerian comes back to life! But how does he do that? Well I will tell you!
Kerian uses the personal items, that
Blaise stole from each of his beloved family members, to drain the life out of
Blaise's beloved family members, and use that energy to recreate his original body. Using the bone as it's basis. Obviously. And as
Kerian is doing all of this,
Blaise feels an insane amount of pain! Specifically in his heart, his left arm and maybe even his head. Why? Because,
Kerian is using the blood that
Blaise offered to him willingly, as a means to tie
Blaise to him and make him into a slave and/or body
guard, FOREVER! Essentially,
Kerian wants
Blaise to be his own version of Ghost Rider.....
Hahahha. And the tangible mark of this bond, can be found in the form of a brand or a burn mark on
Blaise's left arm. The brand, is a Pentagram. And if I can get away with it, I will use the save spot from Silent Hill 3. Because I think it looks epic!
-So yea.... Shortly after
Blaise realizes that he's a complete moron for doing this and
Kerian has a
monologue, explaining pretty much everything that just happened and how he killed
Blaise's family and what not,
Blaise attempts to fight
Kerian. Which is not a good idea, and
Blaise gets the crap kicked out of him. THEN! Before
Kerian gets a chance to have another
monologue, about resistance being futile or whatever, A
VACUUM! -gasp- Cause that is
apparently what happens when a Silver Tongue reads someone out of a book.
-Anyway, they crash land in a strange house on Earth.
Probably in
Australia. Cause you know how much I love that country! Hahahaha. Anyway, Blaise takes this to be the perfect distraction and uses it as the perfect oppertunity to run away. So Blaise takes off like a shot, even though he has nooo idea where the hell he is. And Kerian, who was momentarily distracted by confusion, immediately gets pissed that Blaise got away and kills the poor, helpless Silver Tongue standing in the corner looking horrified. Then, he notices the book and realizes that it's probebly important and steals it.
-A few days later, Blaise is taken in by an adorable, super sweet woman and she is quite possibly the only person in the country, who does not think that Blaise is insane. Although, at first she has a pretty hard time believing Blaise's story, she has always believed that Blaise believes what he's told her to be true. Which is a start. Anyway, this woman takes Blaise in and treats him like a son, and after awhile he starts to adjust to this weird new life and make friends! However is still plagued by awful, graphic dreams of his previous life in the book and the evil Kerian! But after awhile, even those start to fade a bit.
-Almost 10 years later, find Blaise in college as an aspiring Criminal Justice Major. Hahahaha. He's got a hott girlfriend and 3 or 4 really good friends from school. And he lives in a dorm. And everything is all good! OR SO WE THOUGHT! One day, Blaise gets some horribly depressing news from home. It seems his mother had died. And when Blaise returns home for the funeral and all that stuff, he finds a copy of the book that he and Kerian were read out of in his Mom's room. Which is suscpicous! Immediately after, Blaise starts having hallucinations. Blaise keeps thinking he sees Kerian, like everywhere, but there is really nothing there!?!! And in additon to that, his awful dreams start to come back with a vengence!?!! Which also sucks.
-Obviously Blaise's lovely girlfriend and his bestest best friends notice that he is acting like a bit of a psychopath when he finally returns to school. Ya know, he's kinda jumpy, he can't focus on anything, he doesn't sleep much anymore, etc, etc. Oddly enough, Blaise's girlfriend writes off his strange behavior and doesn't think that much of it. Because she is a tool.... Blaise's best friend in the entire world, VLAD however, wants to know what's up and he will NOT take no for an anwser. So Blaise eventually spills his guts to Vlad, even though he's pretty sure Vlad will think he's nuts. But..... he doesn't! GOOD MAN VLAD! Then they have to tell ANGEL and EMMA! Angel's girlfriend KRYSTAL however, are completely left in the dark, for a very none specfic reason. Hahaha. As is, Blaise's girlfriend, but that is more because none of his friends trust her, then anything else. Hahahaha. Anyway, between them, they are able to figure out a good deal of information about Silver Tongues, from old legends and myths and things of that nature. They also learn about a string of mysterious deaths, that were probably Kerian's doing. And some stuff about the author of the book.
-And while they are doing that, Blaise reads The Book that he found in his mother's room. And it is a morally depressing book. In the end Blaise manages to kill Kerian, but in the process he dies. As you can imagine, that ending is not exactly a mood lifter for Blaise. Nope, not at all. Anyway, Blaise's hallucinations and dreams get steadily worse, until Blaise feels like he's losing his mind!?!! And then, it happens! Kerian stops torturing Blaise with his stupid mind games and finally attacks him one night in the park, when the moon is full and Blaise is walking his girlfriend and Emma and Angel home from a party or something!?!!! OHMIGOSH!
-So Kerian appears and just like Harry Potter, in close proximity to the actual Kerian, Blaise's head starts to hurt! As well as his left arm and his chest! It's just like the night he brought Kerian back to life, ALL OVER AGAIN!!!?!?!! But Blaise is tough! And he doesn't let it get to him! Which is good, cause after a while Kerian backs it off anyway. So, Emma freaks out because Blaise appears to be hurt, while Angel frantically calls Vlad and tells him that there is a situation at the park and TO CALL EVERYONE! INCLUDING THE POLICE! Cause realistically, they are like 6 or 7 college kids, how much can they really do? I mean seriously, they WILL need help. And Kerian goes off on another freaking monolouge.
-Anyway, after that Blaise and Kerian talk about the book. Ya know, Kerian tells Blaise that he can't possibly resist him because it is written in the book. And Blaise tells him to go kill himself because their not in the book anymore and he is not that character anymore and that he will write his own destiny!?!!! GOOD FOR YOU BLAISE! Because as I believed we have already established, Blaise is very good at making dramatic, defiant speeches in seemingly hopeless situations. Anyway Blaise's fabulous speech is completely lost on Kerian, who then laughs in his face and says something to the effect of "We'll see about that."
-AND THEN!?!! Kerian uses his CRAZY, SUPERNATURAL powers to immbolize Blaise and forcibly mutate his DNA, turning him into a DRAGON!?!! (A thousand points to anyone who saw that coming. Hahahaha.) And when I say dragon, I don't mean like a dragon dragon, I mean that scaly winged, half human looking beastie with the fangs type thing. (So basically, the same type of thing that happened to Eclipse, the first time he tried to transform.) Anyway, Kerian then orders Blaise to KILL his friends and his girlfriend. And since he is powerless to fight Kerian's command over him, he does.
-Blaise attempts to tackle the girls! Rawr! Angel, being the fastest and the most bad ass of the 3 of them, easily evades Blaise's attack. Blaise's girlfriend however, is completely paralyzed by fear and sheer stupidity, and doesn't move at all. So Emma jumps in front of her, to protect her. Which isn't the smartest idea, but hey, that's what Sailor Moon would have done! So points for VALOR! Anyway, Emma takes most of the damage there. BOOM! And now, Emma and Blaise's girlfriend are flat on their backs, pinned to the ground by this insane monster that used to be Blaise. And Blaise's girlfriend is screaming and Emma keeps telling her to shut up, while she attempts to appeal to the real Blaise, who is obviously in there somewhere and talk some sense into Monster Blaise. Hahaha. There she goes, trying to be Sailor Moon again.
-Anyway, Emma is clearly not Sailor Moon, because this approach does not work at all. In fact, when Emma literally reachs out to him, Monster Blaise breaks her right arm! Oh no! Right about now, Angel starts throwing rocks and stuff at Monster Blaise's head, and yelling at him to snap out of it. And that almost works! Monster Blaise is drawn away from Emma and his girlfriend and starts chasing Angel around. Right about then Vlad, Krystal and the Police arrive! -gasp- And what perfect timing! Anyway, when the lights from the Police cars, flood the park with light, Emma notices The Book lying on the ground in what used to be Blaise's back pack and decides that from what she knows, which isn't actually that much, that that book is very important and decides to go and get it!
-So, now that the cops are here the chaos that resualted from Kerian's return has been escalated 10 fold, when they begin shooting at Blaise and Kerian, trying to save Angel, Emma, Vlad and the others. A couple of shots somehow manage to hit Blaise, and although it doesn't seem to hurt him all that much. The bullets still manage to draw blood and that is suitably distressing to Blaise's friend's. So, not exactly thinking the whole thing through, Angel and Vlad jump infront of Blaise and start yelling, "Don't Shoot Him!!!!" But that isn't really a problem for them very long. Because about then, Kerian decides that the Police are annoying him with their shots, starts blowing things up! That Bat Rastard!
-Meanwhile! Krystal sees Emma crawling around on the ground, clearly injured and much too close to Kerian for comfort. So Krystal runs into the danger zone and grabs Emma. But Emma now has the book and just in the nick of time and she refuses to leave with Krystal!
-Alright, now from here, the story can go two seperate ways
A). Krystal sees the book, and immediately steals it from Emma, flips to the back of the book and rips out the last 15 pages or so and throws them away. Then Krystal whips out a pen, and tells Emma to start writting. And obviously Emma is confused by this. So Krystal, explains that this is the only way to SAVE THE FREAKING WORLD! So Emma goes along with it. But how on Earth did Krys know that? They left her out of the loop when they were doing their research, didn't they? Yes, they did! But we'll get to that in a minute! Anyway, Emma starts writting about how Blaise fights Kerian's hold on him and eventually turns on him and then about how he KILLS KERIAN!?!! And how in his weakened state Kerian was not strong enough to take Blaise down with him. And as Emma is writting this Krystal is reading it aloud over her shoulder. AND GUESS WHAT HAPPENS!?!! Everything Krystal reads comes true! Blaise over powers Kerian and kills him! Because Krystal is a Silver Tongue! But not just any Silver Tongue, she is actually the grand daughter of the original little girl (can't remember her name...) in InkHeart. Brillant! The one person, they left out of the group saves the day!
-Um, this ending is pretty much just like the original ending in InkHeart, so it makes a lot of sense....-shrugg- I just think it's a bit too conveinant.....
B). Emma flips to the back of the book and rips out the last 15 pages or so, the starts writting about how Blaise has begun to fight Kerian's hold over him and eventually wins and kills Kerian!?!! And then she orders Krystal to read everything she writes, aloud and try to sound confident about it. So Krystal starts reading aloud and the book starts to glow! -gasp- Kerian hears what Krystal is reading, sees Emma writting stuff down and starts to panic! But there is truely nothing he can do about it, because his power is starting to fade. As is his control over Blaise. So, when Blaise finally starts to fight Kerian's hold over him, he manages to break free and then Blaise kills him! YAY! But what actually happened here? NOTHING! According to the speeches Kerian made earlier in this scene, Emma deduced that Kerian relied heavily on the book to tell him what he could and could not do, so she rewrote his ending. Hahaha. Then she put her cellphone under the edge of the book to make it look like it was glowing and made Krys pretend to be an all powerful Silver Tongue!
-Hahahaha. I think it's brillant and kind of hillarious.
-Anyway, reguardless of how Kerian dies and what Krystal's part in this is, Blaise lives. And when he morphs back into his human form, he waves off his friend's worries about his injuries, walks straight past his girlfriend and goes to give Emma a big hug. Because she's brillant. AND ALL WAS WELL WITH THE WORLD!?!!
Hahahaha. Soooo yea.... TADA!?!! That is my brillant Blaise and the Silver Tongues story. Born out of a lame RP and made epic by yours truely. Hahahaha. My favorite ending is the second one. And my favorite part of the whole thing is probably the twist at the end in which I wind up with teh Blaise-a-nator. Haahahaha. Because every once in awhile I have to throw myself a bone and let Emma or Lita wind up with Blaise. <3 Which is very much to Vlad's displeasure, I might add... Hahahaha