Kay?! So Here's a picture of Blaise,
And now that we've got that out of the way,

Okay, so as you may or may not know, for the past, ah....3 weeks or so, I have been obsessively editing and going over and reworking every single scene that has to do with either the party or Eclipse's promotion. Which is exhausting mind you. Especially because all of my editors seem to have fallen off the face of the earth. -twitch-
..... Anyway, I was working on the scene where Emma gets introduced to Blaise for the first time, and all of a sudden a thought struck me?! Blaise, the leader of the infamous RoQuero'Kubeh, bows to Emma like any other normal person would. WHAT THE HELL WAS I THINKING?! The RoQuero don't do anything else like normal people, so why on Earth would they bow like normal people?!
So?! I have come up with a super sneaky alternative! When members of the The RoQuero'Kubeh bow, I am going to have them brush their hair to one side. You know pull it away from their neck and throw it over the shoulder so it's out of the way and the neck is completely exposed. And I am doing this for two reasons! One, because the neck can pretty much be considered the universal weak spot. And two, Bushido. (Ten Million points to anyone who saw that coming.) After all, the basic principals of Bushido are, Honor, Respect and Sincerity. And what better way to Honor and Respect someone then by exposing your weak spot, RIGHT?! Anyway, combined with using their creed as a greeting when speaking to friends and allies, I think we have a very nice little display of the principals of Bushido and of trust and friendship. Which is very important, because as anyone whose EVER watched Sailor Moon knows, the two most important things in life are LOVE and FRIENDSHIP?! Hahahaha.
Also, I finally came up with a name for Blaise's Mentor/The Previous Leader of the RoQuero, I'm going to call him, Lucian. Because I think it's pretty and Blaise's epically awesome "Big Brother" needs an equally epic name. He also needs an ability, but I haven't quite gotten there yet, I mean he's not exactly important to the main story....still I'm getting there.
I didz not fallz off the face of the planetz Janet!!! I iz being here for u. I like what you got kid.
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