Alright. So I realize that absolutely NO ONE reads his blog, and I am sure that even less people actually care about my character referance SIMS, but I find them to be PHUCKING ADORABLE?! So, I am going to keep posting these pics I took with my super crappy cellphone camera, and you people will just have to deal......






are you kidding?! i read your blogs..i just haven't commented on them..^^;; sorreh. i love Emma. her eyes are enchanting. nice shade of hair, too. but lover..what happened to Kai's left eye?
Nothing happened to Kai's left eye. He's wearing one of those DBZ scouter things. -shruggs- I thought it looked cute on him.
And yea. Emma is pretty. You have no idea how long it took me to find the perfect hair for her though. I love how Angel came out as well. <3
And actually Angel, Aiden and Blaise have the same eyes as Emma does, they are simply diffrent colors. I'm actually rather surprised no one noticed that.....
Actually Hiroshi has them too
well love i will say again...
Dman it Jim im a machinist not an author... you designs are great i just have no oppion because they are better than anything i could do
I luvs your pics, Angel is cute, as is Emma, all of thems is good. Nice work honey
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