...................Crazy is Just Fine Cause I Like Where I'm Going...................
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
Has everybody gone Crazy?!
-deep breath- Okay?! So I was babysitting the other day and the girls and I were watching iCarly, -rolls eyes- Joooyyy. Anyway, I wasn't really paying that much attention, but there was this scene where Carly and Sam have more or less fallen off the side of a building and Spencer, or whatever his name is, has to pull them up via a rope that magically appeared out of nowhere. And I am sitting here going "Wow, There is no way that he'd be able to those two up by himself. They must way a ton." And one of the little girls goes, "Yea. There like 16 years old." So I repsond, "Together, they must weight close to 300 pounds." To this, the little girl's head whips around and give me the most baizarre look. "No?! Maybe like 50 pounds."
And that comment just floored me. I mean come on 50 pounds? Are you serious?! The average weight for girls that height is like 120-135-ish! Seriously. How sick is it, that these little girls think that a 16 year old that weighs 50 pounds is the norm?! I mean that is just wrong in my book.
I personally weigh a 150 pounds?! Granted, I am quite a bit taller and most of my weight can be contributed to the musscles in my GIGANTIC LUMBERJACK LEGS, but still...... WHAT THE HELL IS THIS WORLD COMING TOO?!
And having just recently finished a Sociology Project about the Female Body Image and the Objectification of Women, I believe I have enough information on the subject to know what the hell I'm talking about, when I say that I blame the Porn Industry and the Mass Media in general, for the grossly inaccurate mind set and/or the mental image of what the ideal woman should be, that these girls have been tricked into believing is the norm. -sigh-
.....Alright. So I suppose that's it for my angry rant of the day. Thanks for reading it, if you read it. And if you didn't oh well. Hahaha. Oh wait?! I have one more thing to say, I HATE TAYLOR SWIFT?! And my boyfriend is a doof.
Sunday, November 29, 2009
Rawr Rawr Rawr
Saturday, October 31, 2009
Thursday, October 8, 2009
Darnell's Gun?!

Tuesday, October 6, 2009
Bubbles?! My nemesis....
Oh! And I forgot to mention this in my other SIMS post, I worked very hard on these. Please don't rip them off and use them as references for your own "Original Characthers." -glares at you-
Monday, October 5, 2009
I am The Spider
The Moons
Oberon- The largest of the three moons. Has an unexplained blue-ish tinge to it. Has the longest/slowest cycle of moon phases.
Anatolia- The smallest of the three moons. Has a slightly red tinge to it, because of it's proximity to the sun (Ceres) and the rocks it's surface.
Cybele- About two thirds the size of Oberon. Has a green-ish tinge to it. Which is thought to be because there is plant life there, although they can't prove or disprove that.
Note!- Even though the moons are clustered together in the sky, they rotate through their moon phases independately of each other.
The Suns
Umbriel- The larger of the two suns. Provides 90% of all the heat and light in the Makai.
Ceres- A dwarf star in comparison to Umbriel. However since it is a bright enough star to be seen in the day light, it is considered a sun. Contributes almost no heat to the planet.
I have also decided that in The Makai, we are going to operate on a modified verison of the Mayan Calender. I haven't figure out the specifics just yet, but right now it looks kinda like this,
27 hour day
7 days a week
14 months in a year
Average of about 26 days a month
Thursday, October 1, 2009
Blaise <3>
And yes, I did use standard face number one for every single one of my SIMS but that is simply because I has lazy and every time I try to make a diffrent face from scratch, they wind up looking EVIL?! ...Deal with it.Tuesday, September 8, 2009
Relationship Chart...?
Aiden-Current King of Zarius
-Son of Lord Kai and Lady Aurora. Younger brother of Kerian. Older brother of Lily. Father of Emma, Angel and Xander. Married to Hiroshi. Friend of Eclipse. Arch rival of Kerian.
Hiroshi-Half Breed
-Son of Shori. Half brother of Kenji. Father of Emma, Angel and Xander. Married to Aiden.
Emma-Long Lost Princess
-Daughter of Aiden and Hiroshi. Lived with her Adoptive/Human parents, David and Cassandra for some time. Twin sister of Angel. Older sister of Xander. Owner of Vicci. Mother of Serena and Zareck. Married to Eclipse. Best friend of Blaise, Darnell, Eclipse, Tereasa, and Krystal. Arch rival of Kiska.
Angel-Heir to the Throne
-Daughter of Aiden and Hiroshi. Twin sister of Emma. Older sister of Xander. Lover of Krystal. Best friend of Tereasa, Nicademus and Darnell. Arch rival of Kikyo.
Xander-The Youngest Son
-Son of Aiden and Hiroshi. Younger brother of Angel and Emma. Best friend of Sabastian and Vlad. Lover of Ailita.
-Son of Korso. Works under Aiden and Hiroshi. Married to Emma. Father of Serena and Zareck. Ex-fiancee of Kiska. Best friend of Sabstian and Emma. Owner of Shadow.
Krystal-Healer's Apprentice
-Daughter of Levanya and Atrus. Lover of Angel. Healer's apprentice. Best friend of Xander, Emma, Sabastian, Vlad and Tereasa.
Blaise-Leader of The RoQuero'Kubeh
-Son of ... Best friend of Nicademus, Darnell, Vlad, Krystal, Angel, and Emma. Wanna-be lover of Vlad.
Vlad-Tactical Advisor
-Best friend of Blaise, Xander, Nicademus, and Krystal. Secretly in love with Blaise.
Darnell-God of War
-Son of Daniel and Marie James. Best friend of Nicademus, Angel and Blaise.
Nicademus-Pirate King
-Captain of the pirate ship Revenge. Twin brother of Kai. Like a father to Atreyu. Uncle of Aiden. Best friend of Blaise, Vlad, and Atreyu. Ex-Commander of The King's Royal Navy.
-Son of Lord Kai and Lady Aurora. Older brother of Aiden. Older brother of Lily. Father of Kikyo and Xanathos. Murderer of Kai. Commander of Kazuo. Significant other of Adrienne. Arch rival of Aiden and Eclipse.
Adrienne-The Black Widow
-Significant other of Kerian. Manipulator of Kerian. Best friend/Mother like figure to Kikyo. Suspicous of Xanathos.
Kikyo-Spoiled Brat
-Daughter of Kerian. Older sister of Xanathos. Arch rival of Angel.
-Son of Kerian. Younger brother of Kikyo. Commander of Kerian's army. Arch rival of Kazuo and Adrienne.
-Betrothed to/Ex-Finance of Eclipse. Arch rival of Emma. Believes that she should have been Serena's mother.
Kazuo-Emotionless Killer
-Arch rival of Blaise, Vlad and Eclipse. Works under/for Kerian.
Sunday, August 30, 2009
Chop, Chop, Chop
Yea... That song's been stuck in my head for quite some time now, and being that I am feeling particularly angry and violient right now, I thought it fitting.... Isn't Alice Cooper wonderful? He has a song for just about every situation and/or feeling..... Gawd, I love that man....
ANYWAY?! .... Moving on. I have two orders of bussiness for you today. Number one, would anyone be instrested in reading more profiles? I have created a few new charries since the last time I posted any sort of profile or break down of my charries demonic powers OF DEATH?! And I'm just curious, if I posted them would anyone read them? Also would some sort of relationship chart, showing how everyone is connected to everyone else be in anyway helpful?
We also need to pick a name for Xander's girlfriend, who is only very vaguely important. I was leaning toward Aurora, but that's just me. I was also pondering whether she should be Tereasa's younger sister or maybe someone who works in the castle.... I don't know. Like I said, she's only vaguely important, but since I am revising Eclipse's promotion ceremony and the party scenes now, I thought that I should figure out a name for her.....
This is a trivial and somewhat pointless post, I know. But I'm posting it anyway.... Deal with it.
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
The pants were dead, The pants were dead
I'm still going to keep this blog for when I need to rant about un-important things or sketch out a scene and of course, for charcter devolpment purposes. But if you want to read actual chapters of my story, you has to check that link up there. Kay?
<3 Love and Kisses to anyone who is interested in my story enough to follow both!
Sunday, August 16, 2009
Watch this, You're gonna love my GUTS!
One, I cut you guys off so you'll NEVER know how the story ends?! HAHAHAHHA!
Or two, I get a Deviantart account. I don't really mind making a Deviantart account because I was already pondering maKing one anyway, I'm just afraid that the people whoose opinions actually matter to me, might either get lost in translation or have trouble navigating Deviantart.
Whatever, Just thought I'd put that out there. I'll keep you loyal fans posted on whatever I decide.....
Thursday, July 30, 2009
Stealin' Celes' quiz...again!
And a bunch of minor characters
2)Who is your favorite OC?
-I think it's probably a tie between Blaise and Angel
3) Who is your least favorite?
-Kikyo. It's not even close.
4)Who is your most developed?
-Um, probably Emma. Although Blaise and Eclipse are also pretty well developed.
5)Which OC would you want to date if they magically came to life?
-Oh! Blaise or Angel definitely! <3
6) How many girl OC's do you have? Boy OC's? It OC's?
-Of the main characters, I have 11 boys and 5 girls.
7)If you were stuck in a burning building what do you think the third OC on your list would do?
-Emma would definitely freak out and call the fire department.
8)Name one thing you regret about one of your OC's.
-Um, I would have to say that Angel was originally based on my two-faced, bitchy, ex-best friend. But that was a long time ago, and I have changed Angel's personality for the better, since then.
9)Which of your OC's would make the best father/mother/it parent out of all your OC's and why??
-Oh, this is a hard one. Um, over all I think I'd have to say Krystal and Eclipse. Krystal because she's so sweet and loving. And Eclipse because he's the kind of person that lives for his family, ya know?
10) Which of you OC's do you think will most likely be put in jail?
-Blaise and Vlad, for either breaking the law or starting a riot. Or Kikyo for prostitution.
11) The eighth of you OC's was put into the future! What will their job be!?!
-Krystal, loves being a nurse. So Ima say she's probably off curing space flu somewhere.
12)Name the first OC's catch phrase!
-Aiden: "......Shyt."
13)Do all of your OC's live together or are they separated?
-Some of them live together. But mostly their separated.
14)Are there any pairings that are in your list of OC's?
-Aiden and Hiroshi. Angel and Krystal. Emma and Eclipse. Blaise and Vlad.
15)Your seventh OC switched bodies with you for the day! How will they react by the end of the day?
-Angel: "Two things, Your job sucks and I now hate children."
16) Your last OC just became 15 years old. What do they do?
-Darnell, would be in military school. Getting excellent grades and out shooting officers in the shooting range.
17)Now randomly select a person on your OC list. Who was it?
18) That OC you just chose? Yeah, they think they are Superman and are on the roof about to jump off.
-Well since Serena actually can fly, I don't really think anyone would try and stop her.
19) Are any of your OC's bored with this meme?
-Kazuo. But he's always bored, so I don't think that really counts.
20)Would your second OC perfer the beach or the mountains?
-The mountains.
21) Would your tenth OC battle a shark?
-Sabastian would only fight a shark if he absolutely had too. 'Cuz he's a whimp that way.
22) Which OC's hate each other?
-Well everyone hates Kerian and Kikyo. Kerian hates everyone and Kikyo hates Emma, Serena and Eclipse. Blaise and Vlad kinda hate each other sometimes.
23) Which OC did you create first? And last?
-Um, I created Blaise and Angel around the same time. And Zareck was definitely last, out of the people on this list.
24) And if those two were fighting, who would win?
-Zareck would win by default, because Blaise and Angel would kill each other.
25) Are your OC's fat or skinny?
-They are all pretty average.
26) Wat are your first 2 OC's favorite foods?
-Aiden likes steak. And Hiroshi likes sushi.
27)If your listed OC's were in a fight to the death, who would emerge victorious?
-Eclipse is technically the strongest of them all. But being how in-experienced he is with his powers....I don't know. Besides I don't think my people would fight each other to the death. It's much more likely that they'd gang up on Kerian and Kikyo and leave it at that.
28)There's a zombie attack and your OC's are stranded. Who do you elect to be the leader?
-Aiden, Blaise or Angel. Aiden and Blaise both have experience leading people. And Angel, well she's just a tough bitch.
29)During the Zombie attack who is the first to die?
-Kikyo. We'd push her out in front as a distraction and while their eating her we would initiate attack plan Delta! lol
Thursday, July 9, 2009
-When performing regular Alchemy, Hiroshi will have to gather up all the materials and use an Alchemy Circle/Alchemy Symbols and stuff like that there. Just like any other alchemist.
-However, Since I want his powers to be a little more along the lines of Creation, instead of straight out Alchemy, I'm going to give him the power to create life. Which, I have decided, will require the use of some of his blood. (I havent decided exactly how much blood yet, but I'll get to it.)
-Anyway, with this power Hiroshi would ultimately be able to bring people back from the dead, although he never would use that power. Because number one, he can only keep the body from dying. He does not have the ability to ressurect the soul. Which essentially, would produce an empty shell that merely looks like whoever he was trying to save. And number two, he is not so supid as to go around messing with nature and going against the gods and that kind of thing.
So..... yea. That's Hiroshi. Fear him, Love him, etc, etc. lol
AH?! WHAT'S WRONG WITH MY BLOG?! It won't let copy and paste my story from the word document?! Oh come on, -whines- I don't wanna have to type all that again....
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
Space Skunks
-Emma's memory of the night she got separated from her parents and Angel.
I had originally planned on having her relive that night in a dream, either shortly after Hiroshi tells her what happened or sometime before the war, (which would give Eclipse another reason to worry because she's acting weird) But now I am not so sure. Then I thought, maybe while Hiroshi is explaining what happened that night, that Emma could have a flashback and remember bits and pieces of what happened. You know the noise, the flashing lights, being found, stuff like that. Which might be interesting, maybe I'll have her pass out or something.... Then it was brought to my attention that there is a third option. Perhaps through the use of a spell or talisman or something I could have Emma relive that night through Hiroshi's memories of it. Which would also be quite cool to write, but I'm worried that doing it that way might be major rip off of Harry Potter. So..... I don't know what to do.
Anyway, This was the only actually important thing that was in my last post. Comments, Opinions and Concerns would be great! ...Thank you!
Thursday, June 4, 2009
David and Cassandra
Cassandra, Emma's adoptive mother, is a nurse. She adopted Emma shortly after she was found, (I'm thinking maybe a month or two after.) and it was just the two of them until Emma turned nine and her mother married David, who is a building contractor. Two years after that Cassandra was diagnoised with cancer. After a year and a half she beat it into remission and was healthy for nearly two years before it came back with avengence and eventually killed her. (The timeline, from diagnoisis to death will be about four years. So Emma would be roughly 15.) Emma takes her mother's death very hard. And to make matters worse David refuses to accept the fact that Cassandra's gone and that he couldn't have done anything to help her, and decides to start blaming Emma for everything and generally making her life hell. And sadly Cassandra was an only child, so Emma has no other place to go.
Possible last names: Akhurst, Williams, Thomas, Umm.... -Hunts down List of Australian Sur-Names-
Sunday, May 31, 2009
Wepon! Wepon! Wep-ep-pon-pon-Wepon!?!!
Anyway... I was pondering that maybe Emma shouldn't be a foster kid, whose parents supposedly died in a car crash a when she was three. And that perhaps instead she could be the the only child of a single mother, who married that nameless guy I wrote about in the beginning of the story, before dying of cancer, which would make him Emma's only guardian. She would still refer to herself as an orphan though because that man is NOT her father and she doesn't like him. And she would, obviously not be aware of the fact that she was adopted.
So, yea. Thats what I have been pondering lately. I think I like it better then the foster parents thing. But I'm not sure yet, Any thoughts?
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
OC Quiz Blaise
1. You must choose only ONE of your OCs. Do it again if you wanna use another OC.
2. Your OC must answer every question as truthfully as possible.
3. Title the journal as "OCs Quiz (your OCs name)".
4. When you're done, tag as many people as you want.
5. Have fun!!!
1. Hi! What's your real name and nickname? My name is Blaise Adams. I've got a few different nicknames, but my favorite is Blaisajosky.
2. Interesting... what's your current age? I'm somewhere around 23-24 years old...I think...
3. Uh huh. What's your favorite food? Blue Cotton Candy.
4. And your favorite drink? A cold, alcoholic one.
5. Your crush/lover? Yea. What about him?
6. Aww! Have you two kissed yet? Yesh! ...Then he punched me in the face.....Tease...
7. Classic question! What's your favorite colour? Green
8. Who's your favorite author? Reading is not really my thing....
9. Now what's your biggest fear? That Vlad may NEVER return my feelings... And that I will one day be eaten alive by a giant hawk?! -twitch-
10. *stifles a giggle* I'm not laughing *bursts out laughing* Sorry. Any siblings? Not that I am aware of.....
11. Only ten questions left. Who's your hero? I don't believe in heroes.
12. Ok, who is your worst enemy? -shakes fist- Kazuo! That asshole! Running around with a bunch thugs killing traders in MY forest?! Where the hell does he get off!?! -growl- I should have let Nicademus kill him when he had the chance....
13. What would you do if your hero and your worst enemy got together? Uh, Plot their demise. Duh.
14. Interesting... what would you do if you met your creator? KICK HIM IN THE BALLS?! God and I are NOT on very good terms right now....
15. Now, what do you want to be when you grow up? Um....Taller?
16. What's your worst nightmare? That this stupid survey will NEVER end! I've got better things to do you know....
17. What's your lifelong dream? ....
18. What would you do if your lifelong dream came true? I don't think it will....
19. Ok, where's your favorite place to relax? Waaaaaayyyyy up high on the branch of a tree, where it's all windy and quiet and stuff....
20. Last question! What do you spend most of your time doing? Basically? Taking the King's law into my own hands ...... and chasing after Vlad! -makes determined face- The bastard will love me back eventually?!
OC Quiz Emma
1. You must choose only ONE of your OCs. Do it again if you wanna use another OC.
2. Your OC must answer every question as truthfully as possible.
3. Title the journal as "OCs Quiz (your OCs name)".
4. When you're done, tag as many people as you want.
5. Have fun!!!
1. Hi! What's your real name and nickname? My name is Emma Radic, but my friends call me Kitty.
2. Interesting... what's your current age? I'm 17.
3. Uh huh. What's your favorite food? Ice cream!
4. And your favorite drink? Coke. Which I unfortunately can't get here....
5. Your crush/lover? -blush- Yea?
6. Aww! Have you two kissed yet? Not yet...
7. Classic question! What's your favorite colour? Purple!
8. Who's your favorite author? I haven't read very much since I got here, but my favorite human authors are, Stephen King, James Patterson, and Michael Crichton.
9. Now what's your biggest fear? Um... To be rejected by my family...
10. *stifles a giggle* I'm not laughing *bursts out laughing* Sorry. Any siblings? Two. My twin sister, Angel and my little brother Xander.
11. Only ten questions left. Who's your hero? SAILOR JUPITER! She is so kick ass. I wish I were as cool as she is.
12. Ok, who is your worst enemy? As of right now I don't have one.
13. What would you do if your hero and your worst enemy got together? I think I'd be confused if that happened.
14. Interesting... what would you do if you met your creator? My views of faith are so abstract that I'm not really sure I can answer that.
15. Now, what do you want to be when you grow up? A Police Officer. But Zarius doesn't really have Police Officers, at least not in the sense that Australia does, so I guess I'll have to pick something else now.
16. What's your worst nightmare? That I one day have a child and it becomes a preppy, stuck up cheerleader. That would be terrible...
17. What's your lifelong dream? I don't really have one
18. What would you do if your lifelong dream came true? Um... be happy?
19. Ok, where's your favorite place to relax? I don't know. Somewhere that I can read or be with my friends probably.
20. Last question! What do you spend most of your time doing? Getting to know everyone here and learning stuff from them.
Monday, May 25, 2009
OC Quiz Angel
1. You must choose only ONE of your OCs. Do it again if you wanna use another OC.
2. Your OC must answer every question as truthfully as possible.
3. Title the journal as "OCs Quiz (your OCs name)".
4. When you're done, tag as many people as you want.
5. Have fun!!!
1. Hi! What's your real name and nickname? Angel Radic.
2. Interesting... what's your current age? I'm 17 years old.
3. Uh huh. What's your favorite food? I'll eat just about anything, so I guess I don't have a favorite food.
4. And your favorite drink? Chocolate Milk...
5. Your crush/lover? What about her?
6. Aww! Have you two kissed yet? -smirk- Only about a thousand times.
7. Classic question! What's your favorite colour? Red
8. Who's your favorite author? No one you've ever heard of I'm sure.
9. Now what's your biggest fear? ....That I'll lose my sister again....
10. *stifles a giggle* I'm not laughing *bursts out laughing* Sorry. Any siblings? Yea. I have a twin sister, Emma and a younger brother, Xander.
11. Only ten questions left. Who's your hero? I have a few...
12. Ok, who is your worst enemy? At the moment? No one specifically....
13. What would you do if your hero and your worst enemy got together? Got together and did what?
14. Interesting... what would you do if you met your creator? I suppose that depends on the circumstances of our meeting....
15. Now, what do you want to be when you grow up? I don't know.
16. What's your worst nightmare? That is none of your business.
17. What's your lifelong dream? I guess I've never really thought about it...
18. What would you do if your lifelong dream came true? How can a dream I don't have come true?
19. Ok, where's your favorite place to relax? Wherever Krystal is.
20. Last question! What do you spend most of your time doing? Training.
OC Quiz Eclipse
1. You must choose only ONE of your OCs. Do it again if you wanna use another OC.
2. Your OC must answer every question as truthfully as possible.
3. Title the journal as "OCs Quiz (your OCs name)".
4. When you're done, tag as many people as you want.
5. Have fun!!!
1. Hi! What's your real name and nickname? My name is Eclipse Deimos, and I don't have any nicknames....
2. Interesting... what's your current age? 21
3. Uh huh. What's your favorite food? Ramen. My favorite flavor is mushroom, which is kind of strange because I don't like mushrooms...
4. And your favorite drink? Iced Tea
5. Your crush/lover? -stiffens up a little- Uhh...
6. Aww! Have you two kissed yet? No. And we probably never will.....
7. Classic question! What's your favorite colour? Blue, or Black. Doesn't matter.
8. Who's your favorite author? I don't have one.
9. Now what's your biggest fear? ...That someone I care about will die, because of me...
10. *stifles a giggle* I'm not laughing *bursts out laughing* Sorry. Any siblings? Nope.
11. Only ten questions left. Who's your hero? Aiden.
12. Ok, who is your worst enemy? My father....
13. What would you do if your hero and your worst enemy got together? My father is dead.
14. Interesting... what would you do if you met your creator? I'm an atheist...
15. Now, what do you want to be when you grow up? ...I never want to be alone.
16. What's your worst nightmare? My past catching up with me, I guess...
17. What's your lifelong dream? And why should I tell you that?
18. What would you do if your lifelong dream came true? I highly doubt it ever would....
19. Ok, where's your favorite place to relax? The palace roof...
20. Last question! What do you spend most of your time doing? My job and everything that entails...
Sunday, May 17, 2009
Btw, the begining of this post is the end of the scene I started in my last post, kay?
“Good.” The Stranger replied, flashing her a dazzling smile before throwing a small fist full of sparkling blue powder in her face. Emma immediately felt faint and after another inhale or two, lost consciousness completely.
The man moved quickly to catch Emma before she fell, and lay her down gently on the asphalt. He couldn’t very well have had her falling and smashing her head open on the pavement, now could he? The Stranger then turned to walk away, but something kept him from leaving her. Crouching down beside her, the man looked Emma over, carefully, as if believing that he would discover why he felt he couldn’t leave her, that way.
And then suddenly he found it. On Emma’s right arm, there was a birthmark. The small, delicately curved symbol was light against her skin, but there was no denying its presence there. The stranger’s eyes widened with shock when he saw it. Both Lady Angel and Lord Xander bore the same mark, which could only mean one thing. That Emma was the one he’d been searching for all this time. “…Princess?”
The next morning
Emma groaned, pulling the covers over her head to hide her face from the sun, which had, ever so kindly, decided to shine directly in her eyes today. But it didn’t help. Annoyed, she rolled over. Why did it have to be Wednesday? Emma felt like she’d rather die then get up and go to school… Unfortunately ditching was out of the question. She couldn’t afford another sick day.
Yawning, Emma reached out for her alarm clock, curious as to how much time she actually had to get ready this morning. But she couldn’t find it. Another moment or two of blindly groping around confirmed that. Her cell phone and notebook were also missing.
“What the-” Upon seeing her surroundings, Emma’s jaw dropped. This was not her room…
Sitting bolt upright, she looked around quickly, and stared somewhat panic stricken. There was a huge comfy bed, full length mirror, pretty blue paint on the walls, actual curtains on the windows? Most definitely not, her room. “Oh my Gackt…” Where the hell was she?!
Emma couldn’t remember anything about last night, except for that dream she’d had about that truck spinning out in front of her. Suddenly noticing the sound of footsteps, in what she could only assume to be the hallway outside, Emma panicked.
Her mind racing in a million different directions, she quickly jumped to the conclusion that she’d been kidnapped by the government. Although why she thought that was a mystery. Emma never had a chance to realize exactly how unlikely that was, because just after it occurred to her, something jumped at her from across the bed.
“WAH!” Emma screamed. Attempting to escape, by jumping out of bed and away from whatever had attacked her. But sadly, she was unsuccessful. It seemed that during the night her blankets and bed sheets had become tangled around her legs in such a way that prevented her from accomplishing little more than knocking herself, out of bed and onto the cold, marble floor.
Upon hearing the commotion Eclipse burst into the room, almost literally, a half a second after Emma crashed to the ground with an echoing thud, sword drawn, ready to defend her from…her cat? And a bed spread? “Princess…” Stifling a laugh, he sheathed his sword and crossed the room to help her up.
Emma tensed upon hearing the sound of the doors flying open; simultaneously she switched her mind into defense mode. She wasn’t sure what was going to happen next, but she did know that, she sure as hell wasn't going down without a fight.
“Are you all right Princess?” Eclipse questioned, bending over to pull the blanket away from her face. Only to be punched square in the face without hesitation.
“Get the hell away from me?!”
“Oww!” In a state of complete shock, Eclipse mentally screamed every obscenity he’d ever heard in his life and a few he’d made up on the spot. The Princess had punched him in the face?! He truly hadn’t expected that one. Despite his shock, Eclipse recovered from her sudden attack quickly and shot his left hand out to grab her wrist. This was partially to make sure he had her full and undivided attention, but mostly to keep her from throwing the table lamp at him.
Emma whipped around quickly, intending to punch him again with her free hand, but instead froze when she saw his face. “You?!” She gasped, her eyes widening with surprise and then just as quickly narrowing with rage. “You’re the guy from last night.”
“Princ-” She punched him harder this time, hitting him square in the chest. For someone who had never taken a self defense class in her life, Emma seemed to have a pretty good idea about how and where she should strike her opponent.
“You bastard! You kidnapped me!” She cried, struggling to pull free of the hold he had on her wrist. “You fu-”
At this point Eclipse had had enough. “Princess please?!” He shouted, pinning her against the night stand. And to his great surprise, she actually stopped struggling to get free. “Are you okay?”
Emma glared at him. “What do you want from me?” She demanded evenly, refusing to show even the slightest hint of fear in her face or voice.
“I want to know if you’re okay.”
“I’m fine.”
“Good.” Releasing his hold on her, Eclipse sat back on his heels, and wiped the blood from his face.
Emma fell silent, watching, studying him carefully for a moment before speaking again. “Who are you?”
“Oh! My apologies Princess,” He said jumping to his feet. “I had forgotten that we’d never properly been introduced.” Then he bowed respectfully to her. “My name is Eclipse Deimos. Your parents sent me to bring you home.”
“Uh huh…” Emma looked at him skeptically. “Well, being that I’m an orphan and my birth parents are dead. I think it’s safe to assume that you’ve got the wrong girl.”
“I beg to differ Princess.” Eclipse replied, sounding supremely confident.
“Ugh. Why do you keep calling me that?”
“Because it is your title.”
“Oh but of course.” Emma replied sarcastically, as she untangled herself from the bed sheets and stood up. She began looking around on the floor for her backpack, but was quickly distracted by the presence of a cat. “Oh!” Emma scooped the cat up into her arms immediately. She’d always wanted a cat and this one was just too cute to ignore. It had long, soft, fluffy grey fur, big, bright purple eyes and it was purring! “What a cute Kitty!”
Eclipse smiled, but didn’t say anything.
“What’s her name?”
“Victoria, I believe.”
Emma smiled, “That’s a pretty name.” Then giving Vicci a quick hug, she reluctantly put the cat back down on the bed. Vicci squeaked in protest, she seemed to have taken an instant liking to Emma and did not appreciate being put down. “Um, you wouldn’t happen to know where the nearest bus stop is, would you?”
“Bus stop?”
“Yea. I live in Ultimo, just off of Bulwara Road.” She replied pulling her sneakers on. “Say, where are we anyway?”
“Zarius.” Eclipse replied simply. “But I don’t think-”
“Excuse me?”
“We are in The Makai, Princess.”
Emma raised an eyebrow at him. “What the hell does that mean?”
“Let me explain. The Makai is in a different dimension, one that runs parallel to The Human World.” But sudden realization had not dawned on the Princess. In fact, she might have even looked more confused then before. “Think of it like an alternate reality version of Earth. And Zarius, is country, like Australia.”
“Okay…Well you’re obviously crazy.” Emma mumbled under her breath as she turned on heel to leave.
“Princess wait!”
“I’m not crazy.”
“Oh really?” She replied sharply. “Is that why you’re trying so hard to convince me that my life has suddenly become an episode of Yu Yu Hakusho?”
“Let me prove it to you.” Eclipse’s smooth voice, once again took on that tone of supreme confidence.
“I’ll take you to your parents.”
“I told you, my parents are dead. I’m an orphan.”
“Please Princess, at least meet with them.” Eclipse beseeched her. “Talk to them. Then if you still question whether you belong here or not. I promise, I’ll take you home.”
Emma looked at him quietly for a moment. If she had any sense, she would turn around and leave right now. She knew that’s what she should do. But despite herself, Emma was curious. Eclipse seemed so sure of himself. What if he was right and her parents were alive and looking for her? Emma wasn't sure what it was, but there was something about Eclipse that made her feel like she could trust him, made her feel safe around him, even though he sounded crazy. In the end she knew that that feeling was the deciding factor. “All right…”
Anyway, hope you like it!? -hyper- Comments would be greatly appreciated!
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
The HuWhims of Fate?!
Emma and Eclipse's first kiss?!
I have decided it will take place roughly three months before Kerian declares war on Zarius and The Radic family, not long after Emma starts getting the hang of her powers (I'm thinking of giving him a harsh electrical burn. lol) and starts fighting with some actual technique and such. And that Emma will be the one to initiate said kiss, because Eclipse doesn't have the balls to kiss the Princess first. lol.
We have also decided that everyone should be whipped! And I mean everyone.
Aiden is whipped by Hiroshi
Eclipse is super whipped by Emma
Angel is whipped by Krystal
Sabastian is unbelievably whipped by Tereasa
Blaise and Vlad are both whipped.
I have decided that Xander is straight and that I'm going to give him a girlfriend and that she'll be at Emma's welcome home/Eclipse's promotion party. However, since she is not very important all, she will only be mentioned a few times and probably won't have any lines. I will however give her a name eventually.
I was also pondering the possibility of writing the prequel to the first story and focusing it on Aiden and Kerian's relationship with their father and as brothers. How Aiden and Hiroshi actually met and fell in love and how Hiroshi descovered his biazarre powers. And, of course, what happened to Kerian to make him so messed up. But like I said I was just pondering. I haven't given it enough thought to decide if it's a good idea or not yet. lol
"Betrayal is the Willful Slaughter of Hope?!"
I have decided that that quote will be the title of one of my chapters. Either the one where Kerian beats Sabastian up and then declares war on us or, if I do the prequel, the chapter where Kerian kills his father.
I also thought it fitting that The Makai have it's own unique language. Sort of like Atlantian. (Anyone who has ever seen Atlantis should know exactly what I'm talking about.) Meaning that it will contain roots and diffrent peices of every language out there. Which woul make it pretty easy to understand, but hard to learn. It would also explain my rather odd/random choices of names. I haven't decided whether to change the language every other word or if I should do it phrase by phrase. With phucked up spelling of course. lol. However, if I do decide to do this then my silly language is gonna need a name.
Earlier I was pondering how to explain exactly how Darnell winds up in the Makai, and I think I've got it. I'm going to have him flying, either to or from Classified Island, when he gets caught in a terrible storm and blown off course. Like waaaay the hell off course. And I'ma have his plane short out and go down somewhere in the region of The Burmuda Triangle, which I have decided is a portal to The Makai, and that the void is what causes computer to stop working and radar to go haywire and stuff like that. Haha.
Freaky Twin Thing?!
I have discussed this before, but since no one, and I mean no one commented/or gave me opinions on it before, I'm bringing it up again. Deal with it... Anyway, I was pondering whether or not Angel and Emma should have a special bond. I wouldn't want to go as far as twin telepathy, cause thats lame, but I was thinking maybe they should be able to feel each other's feelings, during times of hightened emotion or perhaps "sense" each other's prescene? I don't know. I just keep picturing my final fight scene. When Emma is being strangled by Kazuo, and Angel comes to her rescue, Emma is not screaming. So I though maybe if Angel sensed that her sister was in danger, instead of just happening to notice that Emma is getting the life choked out of her, that it might be more interesting. lol
Foster Father?!
So, Emma's foster father... He's an ass. But he is her foster father. I was planning on never mentioning or thinking of him again, but now I'm thinking that's alittle unrealistic, don't you think? I mean at the very least she should be somewhat bitter about it. So anyway, I was pondering whether I should have Emma go back at one point, just to see if he's okay and find that he doesn't miss her, or something along thoose lines, or not. I mean it is vaguely pointless. But for some reason I do feel he needs to be mentioned at least once more.
So that's it for nao I guess. I had some other stuff to post about, but I really don't feel like it right nao. So you have to wait. lol. Anyway, comments would be great. Thanks loyal fans!
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
Anyway, I left him out of that rant I went on about everyone's power specifications and limits and stuff, which I just realized was rather stupid, cause I never actually explained what happened to him when his DNA got mutated and how that affects his powers and fighting and stuff.... So, Ima do that nao. ENJOY!?!
-Blaise was orginially a Water Demon. Meaning that he could control the flow of water, make it freeze or boil. He can also breathe under water. But unlike Angel, Blaise can't create water. Just harness the power of exsisting water. When Eclipse's blood and Dragon Venom got into Blaise's system it mutated his DNA. Painfully transfoming him into a half Dragon or Lesser Dragon. He's got huge scaly wings, claws, fangs, a tail, and he can fly. But that's all he can do. He doesn't morph into an actual dragon nor does he breathe fire. Basically he can only do half of what Eclipse can do. However because he can still control the movements of water, I think thet're pretty evenly matched.
-Also Blaise is now a superhero. Haha. Thanks to Mr.Darling's stupid super hero project, I have given Blaise new and exciting powers and I'm pondering writting a story about it, cause the concept is freakin epic! But like I said im just pondering. I don't want it to come off like an X-Men rip off, so yea...
ANYWAY?! That's Blaise. <3>
Friday, May 1, 2009
Monday, April 27, 2009
I'm kind of on the fence about this one myself, which is why I'm asking my beloved followers...any thoughts? Opinions?....Babies?
Keep the dream Alive...
And I shall start with,
- Aiden is a Hawk Demon. He has a 15 foot wingspan, his feathers are dark brown with black flecks and stuff on them. (Like an actual Hawk's wings, basically.) His bones are hollow, and his muscles are lighter then average, which makes it easier for him to fly. All of Aiden's clothes are slit down the back so, he can snap out his wings easily and/or fold them up and out of sight. Aiden's stamina and reflexes are also very good and he can breathe even when there is very little oxygen in the air. He's also pretty fast and has exceptionally good eye sight, but those are really the only advantages to being a Hawk demon.
-If you've ever read Maximum Ride (Which I suggest you do) then you should understand where I'm going with/What I'm trying to do with Aiden here.
- Hiroshi is a Blood Alchemist. Which is something I made up. lol. It's basically regular alchemy, you know changing one thing into another and what not, but in Hiroshi's case he controls the transformation with his mind, you know shaping it, telling it what to become and stuff like that. And the catalyst is in his blood, or is is blood. (I have quite decided which yet.) Anyway, it's not the best offensive power, but it does come in handy sometimes.
-I haven't decided if I'm going to stick with this ability or not yet, cause I've changed his power like 38 times already. But at the moment I like the idea of it, so for the moment it'll do. lol
-Think of him like Ed Elric, from Full Metal Alchemist, only instead of an alchemy circle, he bleeds alchemic symbols on stuff. lol
-Angel is a Fire/Fox Demon. Angel can both control and create fire. She can force the flames to burn hotter, or put them out completely. However, if the fire goes beyond a certain temperature, she will lose control. It is impossible for Angel to burn herself, unless she looses control of her power. Her overall temperature and heart rate, naturally run higher then most demons. The Fox Demon aspect of Angel makes her being swifter/quicker then the average demon, but doesn't seem to give her any advantages in battle.
-Emma is a Lightning/Cat Demon. Emma can conjure up a thunder storm out of nowhere, and can control when and where the lightning strikes. She can also produce a pretty severe electrical charge, on comand/whenever she feels like it. (Like Pikachu?!) If Emma were to be struck by lightning, she would not be harmed.The main drawback to Emma's power is how much time, training, concentration, etc, etc it actually takes to control the lightning. The Cat Demon aspect contributes to Emma's exceptionally good balance and reaction time, but thoose appear to be her only advantages as far as thats concerned.
-Xander is a Shape Shifter. He can change his appearance to match that of anyone he's ever met. Even their voice. And in the case of demons, he can mimic their powers, but his imitation of power is never as strong as the original demon's, obviously. Xander is so good at this, he can even make up people on the spot and/or change a single aspect of himself, like his eyes or voice. On his own, in his original state, Xander's stamina is slightly better then average. But his strength and speed depend greatly on the form he is in, and is not overly impressive when he's not assuming another demon's shape. Shape Shifting is not the best offensive power, but Xander makes do by causing massive amounts confusion with it.
-Xander basically has the same powers as Mystique from X-Men or Envy from Full Metal Alchemist, with the one exception. When Xander shifts, his shadow does not change with him. Which I have decided is true to all shifters, but not widely known.
-Krystal is a "Touch Know." Meaning that when she touches someone or something, she instantly learns every significant thing that ever happened to it in the past and anything that's currently wrong with or bothering whatever she's touching. Which is part of what makes her such a great Doctor, She'll never misdiagnose you! However, the glitch is that she can only see past events through the person's eyes or from the objects point of view. This ability, clearly gives Krystal no offensive edge in battle. Good thing she doesn't intend to join the army anytime soon.
-Krystal's power's are basically the same as The Fishman Abraham, from Hellboy. I might look into making a few changes to Krys' power here and there to make it a little more unique, but I'm pretty happy with it as is, at the moment.
-Eclipse is a Dragon Demon. He has two main forms, Dragon and Normal, with a few degrees in between. And for the most part he can control the transformation, however sometimes under stress his body transforms regardless of his wishes. In his half-transformed state (Preferred over fully transformed) Eclipse can fly with his big scaly Dragon wings, has sharp fangs, and poisonous claws. Eclipse is also exceptionally strong, (Though you might not be able to tell by looking at him.) and his pain tolerance is pretty high. However his reaction time and reflexes are not the best.
- Kerian is a Necromancer. Also known as a Bone Sorcerer. Kerian basically has control over the dead. Meaning that he can raise skeletons and the recently fallen from their graves and make them fight for him. His powers are strongest over bones. For example, the handle of Kerian's sword is made of bone, which means he could throw it like a boomerang and make it come back to him everytime, despite the fact that swords do not fly very well. Although he's not strong enough to crush the bones of a living person (their life force tends to interfer with powers), he could potientally guide a broken rib, into stabbing you in the lungs. Which is creepy...
-Think of him as my beloved husband John Faust The 8th from Shaman King, only creepier, less german and....EVIL?!
-Kazuo is a Parasite and/or Life Draining Demon. What Kazuo does, basically, is drain life from people. In the case of demons, he steals their energy first making them too weak to use their powers, before he begins to drain the life out of them. He also has a little bit of a talent for stealing peoples energy from a far, a.k.a. without touching you. But he's a sick bastard and would prefer to look into your eyes as your dying, so he doesn't use that trick very often.
-You can think of Kazuo as having the same powers as Rogue, if you like. But they do differ a little. Just because Kazuo is touching you, doesn't mean your gonna die. (Although you often do.) He can decide when he wants to use his powers and when he doesn't. Actually, he's a little more like that crazy, sadistic, goth chick in Electra.
And there you have it. Another pointlessly long post that no one will read....Yay!