Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Oh Look, It's Twinkle Head

Okay, I lied. I'm sorry but Krystal is no longer going to be dark skinned. I'm sorry?! But I just went back and reread my description of how lovely she is annnnnnd I like it too much to change it. She's pale and perfect okay?! So then because I had a conflict of conflicti-ness I went to the mock ups I did of her and Angel together and they look so damn perfect together that I just can't change them. I'm sorry. (Angel looks like Korra and Krys is practically albino, the contrast between the two is so good and aesthetically pleasing to me.) Krys will still be Vish's niece though! And yeah..... I'm sorry. I couldn't help it!

Blaise is staying as is though. I love his color change so much that it hurts me. Like I went back and changed like every description of him I've ever written already..... So yeah. Okay. I love you, bye bye!

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