Thursday, August 28, 2014

Reality is a Prison

Yep, I have been convinced. Blaise should definitely fight with a tomahawk instead of a sword because everyone uses swords and Blaise is not everyone firstly and secondly, I always think of him as Native American because in non Zarius land, that's how I always write him, so it's a great little nod to his character and his beautiful lineage. And I'm not saying like exactly Conner's Tomahawk from Assassin's Creed because that would be lame but something like that, a little tribally. Because Blaise is a miscreant running about in the woods with a tribe and he's proud of his people and his life so why not let him decorate a bit.

I think I'll give him like a tomahawk and a big knife. That sounds spiffy. He could wreck some shit with that. Absolutely.

Also, I'm not going to get into it today buuuuut I will be revisiting the RoQuero's War Paint at some point because yes. War Paint looks fierce and my RoQuero are the fiercest evah. lol Cause like Blaise doesn't exactly need Tiger stripes to look like a badass, so I'm going to nix that. And Vlad.... To be honest, I don't even remember what my original sketch for his war paint looked like. lol Shit happens when you figure out all the crap for the battle scenes and then go back to write everything else.

In other news, I sold my first thing on Amazon! So proud, I just made like a whopping 7 bucks. Yay me! My school loans are practically paid for now! lol haha... yeah right. But at least it's a start!

Saturday, August 9, 2014

They Don't Want Us Here

So, right now, I have Blaise fighting with a sword, buuuuut I kinda want to switch it over to an axe.....  Like a tomahawk...... I may or may not have been watching some cool axe handling shit earlier, completely unrelated lol anyway I think it'd be wicked. Any thoughts? Objections? Haha look who I'm asking here lol I just want to know, Is it homosexual in some fashion? Lol I just think that it would be cool and kinda different.

Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Oh Look, It's Twinkle Head

Okay, I lied. I'm sorry but Krystal is no longer going to be dark skinned. I'm sorry?! But I just went back and reread my description of how lovely she is annnnnnd I like it too much to change it. She's pale and perfect okay?! So then because I had a conflict of conflicti-ness I went to the mock ups I did of her and Angel together and they look so damn perfect together that I just can't change them. I'm sorry. (Angel looks like Korra and Krys is practically albino, the contrast between the two is so good and aesthetically pleasing to me.) Krys will still be Vish's niece though! And yeah..... I'm sorry. I couldn't help it!

Blaise is staying as is though. I love his color change so much that it hurts me. Like I went back and changed like every description of him I've ever written already..... So yeah. Okay. I love you, bye bye!

Monday, August 4, 2014

What Does the Fox Say!!?!

Whatever he wants lol

Sooooooooo, I have another news flash for you all today. I have decided that Aiden's special stupid nickname for Hiroshi will be Fox. Because every couple has stupid cutesy nicknames for each other that either do or don't have any basis in anything at all. Ya know? So, yep. Fox, that's Hiroshi now. lol