Friday, January 3, 2014

Alive With The Beating of a Young Heart

Happy New Year Everyone!
I hope 2014 is a kind and wonderful year for you all!

Now, as you all should know, after Kerian declares war on Zarius and Aiden in turn calls a meeting of the Imperial Court that Kerian crashes that meeting because he has killed Sabine and Darius and taken over the whole of Valnathict and wants to make sure that everyone knows it. Now I was writing this scene and thinking of how sadistic and psychotic Kerian is and I decided that he wouldn't just expect everyone to believe him and even if he did, he wouldn't be satisfied with that alone. So I decided that Kerian is going to bring their dismembered heads and toss them on the table during the meeting. Whoooo! So gross. I've decided not to go into gory detail with it, but like I said there will be a couple of heads chilling on the table top.

Also the more on work on this war council bit, the more I find myself intrigued by Vish Itori. I think that he's my favorite foreign delegate. I wrote a pretty powerful passage or two with him, he's deep and intense and he burns with hatred in respect to Kerian to the point where he threatens to kill him in the protected space of the Imperial Court, while practically everyone else is puking or shaking in their boots, soooo I really like him. However, my gut is telling me that I may have to kill him. I mean, he has essentially become Kenshin to me. Fierce battosai killer that spends most of his days as a care free peaceful bro and that's awesome. However, if he goes after Kerian like I know he will then he'll die. He has to die because Aiden kills his brother, that much is written in stone. So I guess what I'm saying is look out for Vish because he's glorious but don't get attached to him because his days are numbered. Hahaha. Though who knows, perhaps if he keeps talking to me the way he is now, then I could write his story sometime. It would be the bloody story of a revolution though, much less fun and antics. Still good though. My very own battosai lol <3 p="">

Ummm, anyway, I was also just thinking of adding another scene. At the point in time where war is declared, Eclipse and Emma are already lovers. Now, Eclipse loves Emma so he'll want her to be safe, so he'll be happy that Hiroshi and Aiden are sending the children off. But Emma wants to fight and when her parents say no then she'll want to vent to her man the same way that Angel will vent to Krystal.... Well actually Angel won't do that, she'll spent the night comforting Krystal and telling her that she won't let anything happen to her. But that's beside the point. Anyway, I'm wondering if Emma and Eclipse should get into a fight about this. It could be good. And I think it would make a nice parallel or something to the scene where Eclipse personally volunteers to be Emma's guardian on the battle field.

Also, there needs to be a scene where someone goes and tells Blaise what's going on because he is involved in this or at the very least a line of dialogue somewhere when they talk about sending word to Blaise. Ya know, something.

And that's about it for right now. Happy first post of the new year everyone! You all should make this year knew and diffrentl by actually acknowledging my effort once in awhile! Cause I know there are at least three people who read this lol

1 comment:

Reichardt said...

And there should totally be a fight!
Tension! Action! Drama!