Saturday, December 21, 2013

Let The Storm Rage On

Elsa will be Lilliana and Atreyu's first child and Nicademus will die after she is born and then they will name their first son after him. I'm thinking it'll go Elsa, daughter, Nicademus, son, son. Because I don't want to continually be having the oldest child turn down the throne you know? I mean I feel like the trend shouldn't be quite that popular. You know?

Here's a family tree. lol I left out Kerian's kids and Adrienne because they aren't really relevant to the topic at hand....... Opps. Looks like I fucked up though. Elonwey is Kaori's wife not Zareck's. And they will have one kid as well. Zareck might end up being gay. Maybe asexual. I don't know, I feel him being alone and not in an lonely no one loves me sort of way but more like an I don't really need a relationship kind of bro. Like maybe he's just set all on his own or something. Hahaha.

That's all. You're dismissed.


Reichardt said...

This is a great thing, even though it's messed up it makes things way easier for me to keep track of! (°◡°)

Lita Kaye said...

Thank you! I left Kerian's clan out cause they are currently irrelevant to this whole thing and Serena's dearly departed almost husband as well.

Annnnd I also think that I actually want it to be Elsa Nicademus, boy, boy, girl instead. Maybe the middle boys will be twins, since I do have that gene running around in the family gene pool.