Sunday, March 24, 2013

But I Like Mac And Cheese

So I'm just gonna say,
Mr. Smith from Lost in Space

King Candy from Wreck It Ralph.
Just saying.
That's all. You're dismissed.

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Damnit Trudy! What About The Pineapple?!

 Okay. So, the scene where Aiden goes to the imperial court has been bothering me for quite awhile now. It's a pain. Every draft seems wrong... So, blegh.

Anyway, um I started working on it again and I've decided that there is going to be about 14 dignitaries divided between the 7 countries. Two or three from some of them and only one from others. And I'm working on giving them names and titles and making them all different colors and giving them different clothes and shit like that. Which is all common sense type stuff. Which doesn't need to be debated. What needs to figured out is whether or not Blaise is too be included in this meeting. I mean he's kind of a big deal. As are my RoQuero'Kubeh. They are a valuable asset to Zarius after all! So shouldn't he be involved? My mind says yes. Obviously Blaise should come. But then again he's not a King per say.... like are Jeddaks important enough to be invited? I don't see why not.

But at the same time, I don't want to force Blaise into every scene just cause he's awesome. Haha. Anyway, I guess that it would make sense to invite him since there will be more then one person from each country. So other RoQuero like groups could be represented.

And um, this post is really rambling and repeating and shit but I'm operating on no sleep and a head ache in this bullshit class. So cut me some slack Bros.

Kitty Out

Monday, March 18, 2013

When it Comes to Sleeping, Your Mother is a Viking

Sooooo, I had a paper do for my WEL class, didn't do it. Told myself, no sweat, I'll do it after class today. Did I do it? Nope. Not at all. What did I do instead, you ask?

What is this?
This is what I have determined that I would look like as a Chibi.
Aren't I cute?
I'm fucking precious. Haha.
Anyway, maybe I'll start on that paper now.

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

It Punches You In The Face With How Bad It Is

Hey you guys!

 (He's Canadian. lol)
Guess what?! Because of all the drama and shit going on in my life right now, I have writer's block!

 (She's not Canadian. lol)
 Is anyone surprised? I'm not. And it's particularly annoying because I have a bunch of free time today and tomorrow... So unfortunately I might actually end up doing homework tomorrow rather then I don't know, something that's enjoyable? 

 (He's a mouse. lol)
Hahaha. -passive aggressive mini rant... with gifs- Haahaha

(Nigel Bubbles? Cobra Thornberry? Either way, it's hilarious.)
......And that's all that I have to say about that!

Is it bad to want to write fan fiction for your own book? Cause I really just want to write a bunch of one shots where all my characters run off to have sex with their significant others and like fail parenting sketches and first date type stuff and things like that. Hahahaha

Saturday, March 2, 2013

Jimminey Jamminey, You'll Get Dreadful Colleywobbles!

Okay, so this post is irrelevant. Feel free to skip over it if you like. This is just what came of my professor asking the class, what goes on in your head. I wrote it down and then typed it up. I never edited it at all, so it's rough and likely very wrong grammatically. But I don't care. It's just a little impromptu prompt. Take it or leave it as you will, but it's personal, so no flames please.

What do I hear inside my head?

In a word, chaos. Whispers, giggles, anger, support, shouting. There are voices that I recognize and voices that I don’t. I often hear a male voice, perhaps belonging to the ex-boyfriend that broke my heart, whispering that I am not good enough, that I should just quit. Another voice, probably Blaise’s, yells back at him that I can do anything I want, that I am invincible. There are times when my fictional sister stands over my shoulder and administers tough love and harsh criticism of my work, and there are times when all I hear is the soft voice of my dear, departed grandmother telling me that this book is my master piece. I hear my own voice writing and re-writing the lines in my head, even as I scrawl them across the page. There is music too. Lyrics that I can identify with, words that inspire me, music that brings me to tears.

And although the words come to me in many different forms, through many different voices and use the words of others to express their own opinions of me, this is still my mind. And all of the voices here are mine, my own. I am my biggest critic and I am my own driving force. It may be chaos inside my head, but I control this chaos. I have been for years.

And there you have it, the inside of my cranium.
 Now, if you'll excuse me,

I've things to do and places to be.
After all, it's already tomorrow and I haven't even finished yesterday yet!