Monday, December 17, 2012

A Catcus Wrapped in Steel Wool on a Pitch Fork

So glad that finals are done guys! It's good to be Home again with my family and my cats. Of course, like half of my friend group is now two hours away and that sucks. But I guess it only makes sense since during the semester the other half of my friend group was two hours away. lol Still kind of sucks though.

NOW! I would like to share a poem with you Bro's,

Roses are red
Violets are red
Tulips are red
Bushes are red
Trees are red
Oh God, my garden's on fire!

Hahahaha. It made me laugh. Wish I knew who wrote it though. 

Anyway, I don't think that I have anything relevant to post for you today Bros. But I don't think that any of you will be crushed by that news. Really.

I am so sick of christmas music.... Hey! What's up with this song anyway? Have a merry little christmas? Hell no! I'm gonna have the most biggest christmas ever Bitch!!?! lolololololol

Monday, December 3, 2012

That's Not My Department

Hey Guys!
I've got a new evil plan to try and make you care about my blog!
Wanna hear it?
Phase One:
I draw you in with something adorable like...
And then,
Phase Two:
I'll tell you something! Like this,

I'm actually thinking of adding something with David. Just a little scene when Emma comes and tells him that she isn't dead and he can be like, I just want you to know that you can come Home. And she'll be like yeeeaaaaah, I'd rather be elsewhere but I just wanted you to know that I'm happy and not dead or kidnapped. Cause you know even though he's not a great parent and he's not her father, he's just the guy that got stuck with her when her Mom died, doesn't mean that he wouldn't freak out if she never came Home. And it doesn't mean that Emma would let him think that she's dead cause she's a reasonably nice person all that kind of stuff. So, I was thinking about that. But if I don't end up doing a little scene like that then I'll probably make mention of him at her wedding. He won't get any lines or be allowed to give her away or anything, but I'm not entirely opposed to him being allowed to attend. Ya know?

And then it's like,
I just tricked you into reading that with a picture of adorable puppies!
I just manipulated you Sir! Manipulated!
Good plan right?
Knocked your socks off, didn't it?
Now if I can only figure out a way to stop people from only looking at the pictures and not reading what I write....
Hmm, I'll work on that.
Anyway, make my day and leave me some sort of relevant feedback!
Bye bye Loves.