Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Where Does the Probe Go?

That's a good face right?
Oh, I loves me some Matt Damon.

Anyway, so as I'm sure none of you remember, I posted awhile ago about the possibility of adding a Prologue to my fabulous book which is utterly and completely fabulous, and I asked you all for your opinion on the subject. Well as per usual your responses were nothing short of positively non responsive. Soooooooo, I've decided fuckit. I'm just gonna do it cause I already have the scene written and it's epic and emotional and I wanna use it. So now the order is as follows, prologue in which Aiden banishes Kerian for killing their Father. Then the first chapter which starts with Emma having a dream about they night that she was lost. Then everything else is the same..... Well sort of. I've changed the plot progression again. If anyone decides that they care enough to ask about the new plot progression then I'll post the events again. But I won't bother with that unless someone actually cares. Annnnnd that's it for today.

Bye Bye.
-Mistress Kaye

1 comment:

Shadow Wolf said...

anyway please do post the new plot. as you are certainly aware i am no writer but i will give you what i can.