Friday, February 24, 2012

A Whole New World

To quote the wise and utterly brilliant, Alice Cooper,
"This World is such Perfection,
It's just like Paradise."

Now, I know what you're going to say, "Oh, but Lita, you said that last time!" or at least that's what you would say if any of you retained any of the information that you read on this blog, but whatever! This time, I really mean it! I was sketching out the scenes that take place in the Imperial Club House there and I decided that I needed some more dignitaries and such to have a more spirited back and forth. And so, more countries were needed. So now, TADA?! I have new countries.

Which is good because I was begining to think that the map was looking a little empty the last that I check it out anyway. Hahaha

Anyway, you will note that Tethys is in black with it's name in white, where all the other countries are yellow with black titles. Why is this? Well, this is because Tethys is a floating island in the sky which houses the Imperial Club House. I put it in the middle of the ocean there, but it does float along on it's orbit and goes different places all the time and what not, so it won't always be right there.

-whisper, whisper- Now comes the part where you ask why Tethys is now the floating island and what happened to Harcos. -whisper- .....No? Have no idea what I'm talking about? That's cool... -sigh- Anyway, I decided that Harcos was a stupid name for a floating island, so I changed Harcos to Tethys. But then what do I call my Exile Island?! Well, I've decided to call it Nethryx! And I've also moved it. Instead of being to the right of Urisonya, the Exile Island of Nethryx is now he land mass in between Rayet and Myritrius.

Now, why did I do that? Well... Because I wanted too?! Also, because sailing all the phuck the way around Urisonya to get from Exile Island to Zarius would take forever! So, I moved it. Hahaha. Probably should've marked it on the map actually.... Oh well. Hahaha.

Um, I think that that's it for this particular post.

Ta ta for now.

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Dance a Tango to Hell

So, I started this post on Valentine's Day and I was originally planning to rant and rave for like half a page about how thanks to certian people in my life I am begining to hate the Holiday. Buuuut, rereading that today, I've realized that that would make me sound like a bitter old lady that hates the World and let's face it, only half of that statement is true. Hahaha. So, I've decided to just cut that out. And now onto the point!

Today's issue, Emma's weapon.

I was thinking about it and I've decided that Sai are not going to be the best weapon for Emma. Firstly, because they are difficult weapons to wield, they are hard to get good at using and let's face it, not too many people even know what Sai are. -_-" Secondly, the motions of Sai and such are difficult to describe especially to people who are unfirmilar with the weapon and I feel like if I spend three pages of my book explaining the parts of the Sai and the different grips and such that people will get bored quite fast and lose interest. Then lastly, I currently have Emma carrying two heavy metal Sai on her belt along with a Katana and full armor with chain mail! It's light armor, but still, that's going to be a very heavy outfit and realistically it would slow her down quite a lot especially since she's had much less training then the others. Also, when in the battle would she not long lose both Sai but have enough time to draw and then probably lose sword? It's not all that plausible. It can be done, it just isn't really the tone that I want for this.

So, I'm considering changing her weapon to a short sword and sheild. Why, you ask? Well, because that's the weapon I gave my Soul Calibur 3 version of Emma. Cassandra Style! Hahaha. ( I'm only good at using like 4 people in that game btw. X3 ) Also, I noticed the other day that none of the main characters use sheilds. Literally no one. And though the basic time model period would suggest that everyone should be weilding either a bow and arrow set or the sword and sheild combo or just like a broad sword, I want to change things up a bit. Like Hiroshi, for example, will fight with either a Spear or a Zanbato. I haven't started working specifically on his part of the WAR scenes yet, so I haven't quite decided yet, but the point remains.

So, um, yea... Thoughts? Comments? Any sort of input would be greatly appericated.

Bye Bye,
Lita Kaye