Sunday, November 29, 2009

Rawr Rawr Rawr

Alright. So I realize that absolutely NO ONE reads his blog, and I am sure that even less people actually care about my character referance SIMS, but I find them to be PHUCKING ADORABLE?! So, I am going to keep posting these pics I took with my super crappy cellphone camera, and you people will just have to deal......






-completely_iNsAnE- said...

are you kidding?! i read your blogs..i just haven't commented on them..^^;; sorreh. i love Emma. her eyes are enchanting. nice shade of hair, too. but lover..what happened to Kai's left eye?

xXPhuckin_WickedXx said...

Nothing happened to Kai's left eye. He's wearing one of those DBZ scouter things. -shruggs- I thought it looked cute on him.

And yea. Emma is pretty. You have no idea how long it took me to find the perfect hair for her though. I love how Angel came out as well. <3

And actually Angel, Aiden and Blaise have the same eyes as Emma does, they are simply diffrent colors. I'm actually rather surprised no one noticed that.....

xXPhuckin_WickedXx said...

Actually Hiroshi has them too

Unknown said...

well love i will say again...
Dman it Jim im a machinist not an author... you designs are great i just have no oppion because they are better than anything i could do

viccicat said...

I luvs your pics, Angel is cute, as is Emma, all of thems is good. Nice work honey