Monday, March 16, 2009

Rewrite! Rewrite!

So, this is what I've got of the new begining so far. Enjoy...

“Ughh!” Emma growled. She was so furious right now that she couldn’t even form words. Snatching her backpack off the kitchen table, Emma stomped across the room and right out the door. She was having the worst week of her entire life, so of course, today, of all days her stupid foster father had decided to pick a fight with her?! Ridiculous!

“Hey! Where the hell do you think your going?”

“Away from you…” Emma mumbled, pulling her headphones on and turning the volume all the way up. Then stuffing her hands deep into the pockets of her sweat shirt Emma walked to the end of her street and turned left toward the high school.

It was actually kind of a sad commentary on Emma’s life that she had no friends to spend the night with. She used to be able to call her boyfriend, Jason, and he’d come pick her up…but being that the creep had dumped her last week, that sure as hell wasn’t going to happen.

“Bastard…” She growled under her breath, subconsciously curling her hands into fists. The mere thought of Jason, made her crazy. “I mean where the hell does he get off?!” Emma practically shouted. “Getting trashed and breaking up with me because I wouldn’t sleep with him! How dare he?!” It took Emma roughly fifteen minutes to get from her house to the school. And by the time she arrived, Emma had calmed down and forgotten about Jason. After all, he wasn’t worth her anger or her tears.

Knowing that the quickest way to roof from outside was to use the fire escape in the back of the school, Emma cut quickly across the Teacher’s parking lot. Which despite how greatly the student population out numbered that of the teacher’s, was actually the bigger parking lot. Go figure.

Emma had to climb up on top of a trash can to reach the rusty fire escape stairs, but it was worth it. She loved being on the roof, so much that she had in fact cut class several times just to sit out here. And the view tonight was particularly breath taking. The moon was a beautiful, pure white, waning crescent and the stars were so clear and bright. It was, “Perfect…”

Isn't it so much better?! I mean lets be honest, the other way, really sucked.


Unknown said...

inprovement beautiful. but i would not say the other sucked i did like it but still this is an improvement... yes i am done with my homework and have nothing to sodding do

viccicat said...

Love it, works well, but really your last version did not suck.