Monday, March 2, 2009


And decisive to boot! Alrite well.... decisive-ish....

I have decided (in the last 20 minutes) that Vaikas is the perfect word to replace demon with, cause it sounds so cool!

And that I'm gonna spell Rokurokubi, like so, RoQuero' Kubeh. Because Celes was right and it does look cooler that way.

That I will infact create one more kingdom/province/whatever because on the map Soturi is to damn big. And I think I'll call it Azaherh. Which I just made up....

I'm thinking about calling the random island with the Imperial Clubhouse on it, Harcos...I don't know yet, but I am going to name it!

And Im going to refer to my silly messenger birdies as either Zivitar or Hirivo.

Any thoughts? Opinions? .....Hobos....?


Celes said...

I liek Hirivo. :U

xXPhuckin_WickedXx said...

Alrite. Cool, but you have no preference in regards to anything else huh?

Twisted Silence said...

I like Harcos for that island it's simple enough for a small island dont you think? And I agree with Celes Hirivo is a good name but i am a sucker for z words =). I think everything else sounds good

Unknown said...

names names names. i always have a hard time with names. especally of places. so what you got i like even if i was good with names

viccicat said...

I like the z word better, but that's ok, maybe you can use the zword for something else. I like the island having a name Harcos isn't my favorite but it works, I don't have a suggestion to change it to. I had a thought about spelling places on z world oddly in some way. Possible example ( adding a random z or l or something.. so change Harcos to Hzarcos, or Hlarcos for a blended sound making it pronounced so it sounds like Haz-r-cos ro Hal-r-cos), just a thought not that its good or anything.