...................Crazy is Just Fine Cause I Like Where I'm Going...................
Saturday, December 28, 2013
Kangaroo Mice are Cocky
Saturday, December 21, 2013
Let The Storm Rage On
Here's a family tree. lol I left out Kerian's kids and Adrienne because they aren't really relevant to the topic at hand....... Opps. Looks like I fucked up though. Elonwey is Kaori's wife not Zareck's. And they will have one kid as well. Zareck might end up being gay. Maybe asexual. I don't know, I feel him being alone and not in an lonely no one loves me sort of way but more like an I don't really need a relationship kind of bro. Like maybe he's just set all on his own or something. Hahaha.
That's all. You're dismissed.
Monday, December 9, 2013
Couldn't Keep It In, Heaven Knows I Tried
Tuesday, November 12, 2013
Children of the Candy Corn

Along with me to stare into your soul and command you with his mind powers and creepy contacts to read the stupid thing and then do the commenting. But also to be gentle because it is but a first draft. So be kind Lovelies! Tate commands it.
P.S. I hate men. You tell them that you're upset about something and they go, well that's how it is or yeah but or what's wrong with that? Because they agree and don't understand why you're upset. Yeah thanks. That helps. Didn't come to you looking for help or understanding or anything like that just now. Now really please continue to make me feel worse. Thanks. -sigh- Next time I'm calling my Mom or waiting until my roomie gets back or something to talk.
Friday, November 8, 2013
Close But No Woof Woof
Last weekend when I was at the mall I got approached by the same modeling agency but it was a different representative. And that kind of boosted my confidence for awhile. Then crushed it a little because chances are that I will never get a chance to actually try modeling. And it's not exactly something that I've always dreamed of or anything like that and I don't want to be a beauty Queen or anything, but at the same time its like maybe it would help me feel better about myself or something. And I feel like it might be fun to a point. But it's really not appropriate for a Police Officer is it? And I don't have the money to take the stupid class that they require for the damn things anyway, so why bother being upset about it? Well I really don't know. But here I am, feeling blah.
In other, but not completely unrelated note, I have decided to get rid of that piece of the bell. No one who was there for that is still in my life. Mike, Jen, Christina. They've all left me behind. And apparently I didn't mean enough to any of them for them to look back or even tell me what the fuck happened to us. Friends forever. Please, friend until someone better comes along. Friends until one bloody thing changes. Friends until I refuse to break up with my boyfriend to have a bullshit secret relationship with someone else. Well you know what? I am so sorry that I couldn't drop everything for you, because I guess that my own happiness doesn't actually matter..... Anyway, the point is that it doesn't remind me of the good times that we used to have anymore. It only reminds me of how much it hurt when you all disappeared without a word.
And I'm watching The Woman in Black because I'm curious to see if it's any good. I'm going to start rereading Ender's Game soon. Doing a group project practically by myself. So much stress. I have so much to do and no time to do it at all. My firefox keeps crashing. I hate everything. Etc, Etc, Etc
And I believe that this post had a doge in it originally so here you are,
Tuesday, October 15, 2013
Oh My Heart! Too Much Communism
Anyway! Time for my post. So, as of right now, Eclipse proposes to Emma on the balcony and he makes a little speech and it's very romantic and cliche and maybe a little cheesy. I don't know, I wrote it and I like the way that it came out and all but at the same time, I'm starting to think that perhaps it doesn't fit Eclipse's personality quite as well as it should. Sooooo, I'm thinking of changing it.
Buuuut to what you ask? Well I'll tell you!
I think that Eclipse should propose in bed. And not like a weird and awful sort of in the middle of sex sort of proposal either. More like a, we're cuddling and having a beautiful moment when Eclipse is like "Do you know how much I love you?" And Emma is all coy and cute and she goes "No, tell me about it, Stud" (except not like that but I couldn't help the Grease reference.) And then BAM! Ring, proposal! Mind blown! Wah-bam! Hahaha. I think that it's a lot closer to something that fits Eclipse's personality. But for posterity's sake I am searching out opinions from the two people that read this blog.
So, there you have it. If anyone wants me to post what I have for the original proposal with the draft of the new one for comparison of cheesey-ness then let me know and maybe I'll grow some balls and post them. But yeah, let me know what you think about my new idea.
Saturday, September 21, 2013
Don't Judge Me For Blogging In The Shower
Sunday, September 8, 2013
Harley Quinn's Army
Wednesday, August 28, 2013
Bonesy McDead
So, there you go. And the bow and arrow of course.
Hiroshi doesn't care much for swords, he fights with a Spear. No reason in particular. He just likes the Spear.
Kerian fights with a Kilij. The handle is inset with the bone from a Dragon. This is because of his Vaikas abilities, obviously.
I decided to 86 the katanas because their too typical and overused. So, Angel uses a Scimitar now, because she's awesome like that. She'll still have the short swords/long daggers as a back up because she's prepared like that.
Emma uses a Falchion/Messer. It's similar to a Scimitar. A bit shorter, straighter blade, straight handle, curved tip. Practical, kinda snazzy but not exactly incredible.
Fiore fights with a Bo Staff. He's younger then the rest of us, so perhaps he's a bit more innocent and doesn't intend to kill too many people. But just because he's not going to kill anyone by slitting them open doesn't mean that he can't break some bones. I wouldn't mess with him. He'll have a knife to use as back up as well probably.
Monday, August 19, 2013
A Skanky Whatever
And on that note, I am torn between giving no fucks that Angel and Emma have the same hair colors in different portions as in "typical" for twins and wanting to take the red streaks out of Angel's hair and just leaving her a black beauty. (lol literary reference.) So if you want to give an opinion on that that's great.
And Emma will now be using more Australian slang because it bothers me that she's not Aussie enough at the current moment.
Sunday, June 16, 2013
Any Choice is Better Than Spain!
I have just one announcement for today... thus far, maybe more later..... um, anyway! I have decided that the marriage between Valken and Aurora was arranged. Hmhm, I think that they should be betrothed. Because its an old world tradition and Zarius is old world-y in some respects.
I also think that Aurora should be foreign. But where does she come from? Rayet seems logical since it would explain why Zarius is so close with them. Strong alligence and all that stuff.
And then I want Valken and Aurora's babies, Aiden, Kerian and Serena, to not be betrothed to anyone. Because Aiden ends up with Hiroshi who is a stray half blood not a prince or whatever. And then there's Kerian and his Governess, Adrienne.
If I do a prequel story then I will likely have one of the children be betrothed and end up breaking the betrothal and that's why no one else is coerced into marriage. It wouldn't be a break in tradition like Brave though. More like Ever After. Haha. Cause I do what I want.
Wednesday, June 12, 2013
What?! I'm Fourty...
I'm Not The Pretty One
And of course it doesn't help at all that I told Mark about this and his first response was maybe they want a hand model or their casting a porn! He was just kidding but it's like gee thanks Pal, that makes me feel loads better. Really.
I'm having a Myka moment right now. So, if anyone feels like desire to step up and make a speech and be my Pete you go right ahead. And if not then... that's fine too. My interview is scheduled for tomorrow. I'm going to cancel it because I can't drive out tomorrow after all but I don't know if I'll end up rescheduling it or not. So, yeah...
Monday, June 10, 2013
Why Does It Smell Like Wet Zeffron in Here?
I was gonna say that it would have to be Vish or Marik but now I'm thinking that I could probably get away with killing off Kiara since Andromina has been properly schooled and is more or less ready to take over at any time, although they weren't planning it. So, question two, if I do kill one of them, which one should it be?
Last question revolving around death and destruction for team good guys. What about Rorak? I can't remember if I talked about his fate or not, but he is my Captian of the guard and I don't know if I should let him live through the battle or kill him off. Now with Rorak it's tricky because if he doesn't die at the end of this book, then I'm gonna maim him and he'll die at the beginning of the next one. So I guess with him it's all a matter of timing.
So there's my problem of the day Loves. Have at it. I'm gonna go throw up now
Sunday, June 9, 2013
I feel like the court wouldn't question whether Aiden's claim is true or not, so in that respect, it's not nessicary. However, knowing Kerian's personality, would he have any reservations about flaunting what he's done? I don't think so. I think that he'd like to brag. In which case he should appear. So, in my mind it's rather 6 to one, half a dozen to the other right now.
Help? Opinions are nice.
Wednesday, June 5, 2013
Boob Fish
Anyway, um I never talked about setting up a monetary system... Like do they use shekels or pence or drachma or what do they use in Zarius? I don't even know. Haha. So... I suppose that my question to you, my dearly beloved imaginary followers is, do you think that I can get away saying things like silver pieces and gold pieces and shit like that? Or should I make up a monetary system?
Let me know!
Monday, June 3, 2013
Like, Like Something You Corner
Any concerns? Comments? Questions?
Wednesday, May 29, 2013
Baby If I Was Premenstral, You'd Be Dead
Originally I wrote that they bring Emma straight to the castle to see Aiden and Hiroshi and that was all fine and dandy, but Emma is kind of yucky at this point. She was nearly run over, knocked out, kidnapped, spent the night in a strange bed, stuck on a horse all day long, I'd imagine that she wouldn't be very awe inspiring after all of that. Plus she's wearing, by Zarian standards, really weird clothing. And Eclipse and Sabastian are trying to pass her off as a Princess! Don't you think that they would have cleaned her up a bit at the very least? I feel like they would have. And if they didn't then perhaps the people at the castle would have been like, um no you can't see the King looking like a street rat. I mean come on! If Neil Patrick Harris can kick the fish tank guys out of his magic club cause their not wearing suits I think that the people of Zarius can be like, um bitch you need a bath. Right? Hahaha. I think that it's a good idea considering the time period.
So, I guess the question is, do Eclipse and Sabastian fix her up in town or do the servants in the castle fix her up ahead of time?
Tuesday, May 21, 2013
If He Gives You a Seven Tonight, I'll Kill Him Myself
Honestly, I think that they're both pretty believable for the time period. So, what do you guys think? Does Kerian get into the crypt at the end of this book or does his body vanish and he gets into the crypt at the end of the next book?
Tuesday, April 30, 2013
Built Like A Brick, Son
So, what's the topic of my rage for today you ask? Bitches commenting on my clothing, that's what. I'm not going to get into rape culture and media influences and how I hate the majority of men on this planet for objectifying my sex, and instead I'm just going to say that I have body image issues! And I go to an all girls school, you would think that if anyone was going to understand girls with body image issues it'd be other fucking girls with body image issues! And where do you think that this would be most accepted? At an all girls school! And is it? Clearly not.
I was wearing a skirt. A black skirt that I happen to love and wear all the time. And yes it is short, but not indecently short, I'm completely covered while wearing it. No one has seen my underwear. And yet the last three times that I have worn it on this campus bitches have felt the need to comment on this stupid skirt! I was indirectly called a prostitute, I have had people assume that I was banging some guy because I just happened to be wearing this skirt when a guy happened to be around. Are you guys fucking serious? I repeat, I have body image issues! Do you even know how long it took me to get to a place where I felt comfortable even wearing a skirt at all?! I went to high school in the middle of no where suburbia with a bunch of rich white kids and their perfect blond anorexic girlfriends, I was picked on and called fat ass and all of that bullshit my entire school career! It's not my fault that I've got a big butt! And then it's like I get into college and the world opens up a bit and suddenly I start to feel better about myself, guys are paying attention to me all of a sudden, I get girlfriends that are actually supportive and then bam! I come here and suddenly I'm getting picked on again?! Apparently I was safer in Brockton with the gang members! So I repeat, fuck you bitches. I am completely covered and I will wear whatever I damn well please and you have no right to make fun of me for what I'm wearing! Especially not when there are plenty of skinny bitches walking around this campus wearing skirts or shorts even shorter then mine.
But honestly, the thing that pisses me off most is the lack of sisterhood and respect here. One of the girls that called me a prostitute is short and overweight. I would never call her a fat ass or a sumo wrestler or the fucking Pillsbury dough boy or any of that shit! Ever. And I would never to anything to someone wearing an extremely low cut top or someone who's thong can be clearly seen because their jeans are so god damn low. I just wouldn't! I would never say something that would make someone else feel bad about themselves and I don't think that it's too much to ask that other people give me the same courtesy. Honestly! This is a full 3 days later and people are still coming up to me and asking about this god damn skirt. Fuck you all. It's none of your bussiness and I'll wear what makes me happy but hey thank for ruining my self esteem. I really appercaite it. I was over due to be knocked down a peg or two. Really....
And if I had called that chick a fat cow because she called me a prostitute, then I would be the bad guy there because you just don't talk about a girl's weight like that. Well you know what? It's tough all around and everyone has their own issues, I went and cried in the shower after this happened! Like what am I supposed to do? Run until my ass falls off? Crunches, sit ups, squats, leg lifts, all that work just so I can attain some unattianable body type and earn my right walk around in a skirt without being judged? No fucking way! It doesn't work like that! I am healthy and I am beautiful just the way I am, so come at me bro! I will knock you on your ass so fast that it makes your damn head spin! And the next time you feel like opening your god damn mouth to spew hate at some girl you literally don't fucking know a thing about and has never done a damn thing to you in her entire life, think again. Cause I swear to the gods that I'm gonna rip into the next bitch that makes a comment about my clothing. I don't need this crap from you bitches! Especially not after being stood up, twice and in addition to finals and all this other bullshit. Just leave me the hell alone.
Oh! And quit talking behind people's backs as well. It's cowardly and pathetic.You got a problem, say it to my face or keep it to yourself. And don't you dare pretend to be someone's friend when all the while you're spreading rumors about them and generally being a catty bitch. They think that you're their friend! How would you like it someone did that to you, huh? Talk about pulling the rug out from under someone's feet. Insensetive pricks, all of them.
And I'm not even gonna talk about the bullshit with my foreign friend yesterday. That was fucking infruiating as well.... Complete and utter bullshit. -sigh- Whatever. I'm just so done with everything and everyone right now. Bye.
Monday, April 29, 2013
Bitches Love Evidence
Seriously though,
I'm fine.
Actually, the story of my life is this gif right now.
Anyway, I am just really digging this song right now.
Depressing songs are always better written than love songs you know.
At least in my opinion they usually are.
Thursday, April 25, 2013
Why Inbox, Why?!
So, as it stands right now, Kerian is making his army of nothing but criminals he's liberated from Nethyrex and using them to storm the castle. But I was thinking yesterday that maybe Kerian escapes on his own and makes his way to one of our less developed, smaller countries, probably Atheria. I think. And taking over? Like the whole country. He could find and ally Kazuo same as before and with Kazuo at his side, kill the king and take over. Then he could just usurp their army and then bam. No more recruiting nessicary. Also killing more or less innocent people would give Aiden something else to angst over. Hahaha. Thoughts?