Okay, soooo I was reading through some old posts just now and I've noticed that there is some confusion as too which character is which and I would just like to clear that up real quick. Because I've been changing people's names and stuff and now no one seems to know who I'm talking about. Haahahahaha.
Alright. So firstly,
-Xander is now Fiore. Okay? Emma and Angel's little brother's name is no longer Xander, it's Fiore! Fiore! Because he's apprently Italian. (But whatever you do, don't tell him he's not Italian! Hahahaa)
-Blaise's parent's names are Gabriel and Ariana.
-Aiden's sister's name is Lillith, but everyone calls her Lily.
-Aiden's father's name is Valken. It was Kai, but now it's Valken.
-Nicademus' Wifie's name is Brandy. It was Levia. Now it's Brandy. And she's a fine girl.
-Kazuo is Kazuo is Kazuo, will always be Kazuo.
-Kerian's evil demon children are Selene and Damien. They were Kikyo and Xanathos, but they're not anymore. Now they're Selene and Damien. Deal with it.
-And Kikyo is the evil dragon wench that kidnaps Serena. Kikyo!
And that's basically all that I have to say about that. Just setting the record straight so that maybe someone other then me will know what I'm talking about. Hahaha
...................Crazy is Just Fine Cause I Like Where I'm Going...................
Thursday, June 16, 2011
Tuesday, June 14, 2011
Star Date Monkey Cheesecake Helicopter
I had a dream! It was silly and pointless and that's why I've decided to share it with yoooooou! Aren't you people Luuuuuucky?! Indeed you most certianly are. Hahahaha.
Anyway, this particular dream starts out with me and Blaise and three other people huddled around a fire on my back porch. There's one other chicky chick and she looks kind of like Xena. And there's two Asain guys, and they both look exactly like Thor's Asain friend and they're completely Identical. But somehow I can tell the diffrence. And I have this model of a stage made out of a cardboard box and I'm arguing with one of the Asain guys about it. Because apprently we're starting a band, I'm the singer, Blaise plays drums, Xena's on bass, one Asain guy plays the keyboard and the other one plays the guitar, and he doesn't like the way that I'm trying to set everyone up on stage or the instrament choices. He doesn't want to play the guitar! What a Jerk?! Hahaha.
Anyway, I finally get this guy to see reason and then all of a sudden 21 hundred million bikers come flying around my house and into my backyard. And we just stand there and stare at them. And they don't say a word to us, they just pretend that we're not there. Then finally Xena's like, do you know any of these people? And I'm like nooooo. So, Blaise decides that he'll go talk to them and try to see what's up. He goes over to one grouping of this random people and is like, Soooo, what're you guys doing here? You don't live here. And in a super duper over reaction to a simple question, everyone goes crazy and kidnaps Blaise. And Xena and I freak out and try to go help Blaise but the Asain boys grab us and drag us inside. Where it's safe. Because apprently these people only want to take over my backyard, not my house.
So, we hide out inside for awhile and watch these weird people and then formulate a brilliant plan to rescue Blaise! But we have to wait until night time because that's how these things work. And when nightfall comes, the plan stops making any sense at all! Xena dresses up like a Ninja and runs out into the dark and starts disconnecting all the fuel lines. Then the Asain guys, lapel down the side of my house for no apprent reason, while I simply run out the back door and straight for Blaise. Who is hanging, all tied up on a spike like he's been crucified or something! But he's okay and I get him down completely unnoticed. Then like the second we start to sneak away someone turns on a bunch of big friggin spotlights and all of a sudden we're surrounded!
And from there the dream begins to make evern less sense. Because all of a sudden we're being attacked, but not by the bikers, by like transformers! And then all of a sudden Xena's a mutant or something with super powers and the Asians are shooting lazers everywhere. Blaise has a sword. Oh yea, and apprently we're all Secret Agents!!! Hahahaha. Great dream right?
And in addition to that rambling waste of time you all just sat through reading out of morbid curiousity or perhaps because you really, truly love me, I have an important issue to bring up in this post! And that is, ears and tails. I've talked about it quite a bit in the past, but I never came to a conclusion.......... UNTIL NOW!
Yes! Tis true! Hahaha. And the conclusion is, Tails. This is not some stupid anime, we are not cat girls, or whatever. But I want Emma and Angel and Sabatian to have tails. Why shouldn't they? I mean, it only makes sense! Aiden is a Hawk, he's got wings. Eclipse and Serena are Dragons, they too have wings. Nicademus is a Shark, his eyes turn black, his fingers web and he grows gills whenever het get's wet! Emma, Angel and Sabastian ahow absolutely no sign of their animal abilities and that doesn't really make much sense when my other Vaikas have such obvious animal traits. So, I'm giving them all tails! Whooooo!
The only problem this creates for me is that I now have to make a few more choices such as color and shape and what not. Hahaha. I'll have to decide once and for all what kind of Vaikas Emma is. Because originally she was just a cat. But then I was leaning toward a White Tiger. But I don't nessicarily want her tail to be black and white, so now I'm sort of leaning towards either a Panther or just a cat. But if I just a regular cat then I have to decide whether she get's a bushy tail or a sleeky tail. And Angel! Originally she was supposed to be a white fox, in yet another reference to Yu Yu Hakusho. But perhaps she should be a red fox? It would match the red highlights in her hair. And then there's Sabastian. What color Wolf should he be? It would be easy to say brown to match his hair color, but I am rather fond of grey wolves or perhaps black. Sooooo, yea. I guess that's it for that. Feel free to give me an opinion on anything.
Anyway, this particular dream starts out with me and Blaise and three other people huddled around a fire on my back porch. There's one other chicky chick and she looks kind of like Xena. And there's two Asain guys, and they both look exactly like Thor's Asain friend and they're completely Identical. But somehow I can tell the diffrence. And I have this model of a stage made out of a cardboard box and I'm arguing with one of the Asain guys about it. Because apprently we're starting a band, I'm the singer, Blaise plays drums, Xena's on bass, one Asain guy plays the keyboard and the other one plays the guitar, and he doesn't like the way that I'm trying to set everyone up on stage or the instrament choices. He doesn't want to play the guitar! What a Jerk?! Hahaha.
Anyway, I finally get this guy to see reason and then all of a sudden 21 hundred million bikers come flying around my house and into my backyard. And we just stand there and stare at them. And they don't say a word to us, they just pretend that we're not there. Then finally Xena's like, do you know any of these people? And I'm like nooooo. So, Blaise decides that he'll go talk to them and try to see what's up. He goes over to one grouping of this random people and is like, Soooo, what're you guys doing here? You don't live here. And in a super duper over reaction to a simple question, everyone goes crazy and kidnaps Blaise. And Xena and I freak out and try to go help Blaise but the Asain boys grab us and drag us inside. Where it's safe. Because apprently these people only want to take over my backyard, not my house.
So, we hide out inside for awhile and watch these weird people and then formulate a brilliant plan to rescue Blaise! But we have to wait until night time because that's how these things work. And when nightfall comes, the plan stops making any sense at all! Xena dresses up like a Ninja and runs out into the dark and starts disconnecting all the fuel lines. Then the Asain guys, lapel down the side of my house for no apprent reason, while I simply run out the back door and straight for Blaise. Who is hanging, all tied up on a spike like he's been crucified or something! But he's okay and I get him down completely unnoticed. Then like the second we start to sneak away someone turns on a bunch of big friggin spotlights and all of a sudden we're surrounded!
And from there the dream begins to make evern less sense. Because all of a sudden we're being attacked, but not by the bikers, by like transformers! And then all of a sudden Xena's a mutant or something with super powers and the Asians are shooting lazers everywhere. Blaise has a sword. Oh yea, and apprently we're all Secret Agents!!! Hahahaha. Great dream right?
And in addition to that rambling waste of time you all just sat through reading out of morbid curiousity or perhaps because you really, truly love me, I have an important issue to bring up in this post! And that is, ears and tails. I've talked about it quite a bit in the past, but I never came to a conclusion.......... UNTIL NOW!
Yes! Tis true! Hahaha. And the conclusion is, Tails. This is not some stupid anime, we are not cat girls, or whatever. But I want Emma and Angel and Sabatian to have tails. Why shouldn't they? I mean, it only makes sense! Aiden is a Hawk, he's got wings. Eclipse and Serena are Dragons, they too have wings. Nicademus is a Shark, his eyes turn black, his fingers web and he grows gills whenever het get's wet! Emma, Angel and Sabastian ahow absolutely no sign of their animal abilities and that doesn't really make much sense when my other Vaikas have such obvious animal traits. So, I'm giving them all tails! Whooooo!
The only problem this creates for me is that I now have to make a few more choices such as color and shape and what not. Hahaha. I'll have to decide once and for all what kind of Vaikas Emma is. Because originally she was just a cat. But then I was leaning toward a White Tiger. But I don't nessicarily want her tail to be black and white, so now I'm sort of leaning towards either a Panther or just a cat. But if I just a regular cat then I have to decide whether she get's a bushy tail or a sleeky tail. And Angel! Originally she was supposed to be a white fox, in yet another reference to Yu Yu Hakusho. But perhaps she should be a red fox? It would match the red highlights in her hair. And then there's Sabastian. What color Wolf should he be? It would be easy to say brown to match his hair color, but I am rather fond of grey wolves or perhaps black. Sooooo, yea. I guess that's it for that. Feel free to give me an opinion on anything.
Monday, June 13, 2011
Lita's Choice
Guys! Guys! Guys! Guys!
I just counted up all the money and stuff people have given me for Graduation and guess what?!
It's enough!
I could buy tickets and a back stage pass to meet ALICE COOPER?!

Now I am faced with a problem.
Meeting Alice Cooper is like a dream come true.
He's my idol!
The smart thing too do with all of this money would be to save it.
Especially since at the current moment, I don't have a job.
On the other hand,
The Man is 63 years old?!
If I don't do this, I may NEVER get another chance.
Soooooo, what do I do?
Help me!
Granted, you all know that I'm just going to make up my own mind in the end.
But it would be nice to know you guys' opinions of such a thing.
Funderburkes Are Go!
Greatest Last Name Evar?!
And you all bettter believe that if my last name were Funderburke, that I would be saying "Funderburkes are go!" every single time we left the house! And singing the Thundercats Theme Song whilest in the car,
Funderburkes are on the move,
Funderburkes are loose!
And now for the point of this post! I've had an idea. And I need some input about whether the idea is worth working into the book or not. And this is the idea, volunteers!
What? Volunteers? For what?! That makes no sense at all!
Of course it doesn't yet make any sense at all, I haven't explained it yet! Keep yer shirts on.
Now, the other day I was thinking, Aiden is a kind and gentle ruler. The Radic family has been well liked by it's subjects for many, many years. We've done quite well by the kingdom, keeping the peace and what not. So, I was thinking maybe, since we are such excellent leaders and such, that our subjects should love us. And since we are not so lame as King Theodin, asking any male child only enough to hold a sword and old men to help them fight in our hour of need and no non military persons of Zarius are given the oppertunity to join our ranks and help us fight off Kerian, why shouldn't some people volunteer?
Villagers, maybe some of the housing staff. Like Maids and whatever. Everyone has powers. Why shouldn't they all be given an oppertunity to use them? They could still be useful! And why shouldn't we let them fight if they want to fight? Zarius is their Home too! So, that's the idea. When word gets out that Zarius is being invaded, should a small group of civillians volunteer to help defend our country?
I tend to think yes on this one, and I do have a scene in mind where I could fairly easily fit this into the story. But my mind is not entirely made up yet. Soooo, let me know what you think, eh?
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