...................Crazy is Just Fine Cause I Like Where I'm Going...................
Thursday, February 25, 2010
You Don't Own Me
Alrite, so I had this dream a while ago, actually long before I had those other two dreams I posted about, and this particular dream was entirely in 3rd person...which is strange, I guess. And it was very reminiscent of Silent Hill....
Anyway, the dream starts out with this little girl, who looks a much cuter version of the girl who played Alessa/Sharon in the Silent Hill movie, and she's running around in this huge feild. Then her mom starts calling her, so she turns around and runs back to the house. And their house is very bland. You know, not much color. Kinda small. Etc. Etc. And the mom and Alessa sit down and start eating dinner. Then all of a sudden, one of the plates goes flying off the table and smashes into a million peices and the doors and windows start rattling and stuff. Alessa is screaming.
So, after a minute or so of listening to Alessa's brain peircing screaming, the mom gets up, totally calm and picks up the phone to call an exorcist. Because apprently their house is haunted. Hahahaha. Anyway, the exorcist arrives at the house, literally 30 seconds later, and he looks like Dresdan from the Dresdan files. Which is strange, cause not only does it actually make sense that Dresdan would be an exorcist, I haven't watched that show in months. Hahaha. So Dresdan comes in and he starts doing his thing. You know, he's got some weird looking magical tuning fork or whatever it was, and he starts walking around looking for spirits. Then all of a sudden he stops and says he's found something. -gasp-
The very next second, the mom, who was standing with Dresdan, gets thrown across the room and this huge, almost transparent, ghost looking goo monster appears and attacks Dresdan. And Dresdan is no match for this things goo powers?! So he gets trapped in the corner, while this thing just beats on him. And Alessa is standing in the corner, holding two cats and looking horrified. Then Dresdan starts screaming at her, I need the artifact! I need the artifact! Whatever that means...
Anyway, Alessa runs up the stairs, grabbing a third random cat along the way, locks the cats in the bathroom and then runs into her mother's room and grabs her cellphone.... Apprently Alessa didn't understand what he meant by "Artifact" either. So she comes down stairs and throws her mom's cellphone at the monster and, of course, nothing happened. He merely continued to slowly kill Dresden.
Then, all of a sudden, Alessa gets stabbed in the shoulder by a demon/witch that looks suspciously like a cross between Zoicite and The Battle Royale Girl.... And Alessa screams and grabs, like a frying pan or something off of the dining room table and wacks Zoi Royale upside the head with it. Then she runs, past the goo monster, into the living room. And Zoi Royale, stumbles when she gets hit, then smirks and teleports in between Alessa and the front door, then Zoi Royale stabs Alessa in the chest. Then?! She uses her super mind powers to pull down this huge book shelf on top of Alessa, and it crushes her legs and Alessa dies?!
And that wasn't even the end?! Then Zoi Royale reaches down and rips out Alessa's heart, and she's holding it in her hand, and there blood everywhere. Then Alessa gets up, huge gaping hole in her chest, stab wounds, covered in blood, and the most insane twisted smile plays across her super pale face. And Zoi Royale starts making this speech, you know the kind that Rod Sterling makes at the end of an episode of The Twilight Zone. I don't remember the words exactly, but it was something about how she wanted that image of her ripping Alessa's heart out to be the last thing every child sees or remembers before they go to sleep and that she was coming for you. It was slightly disturbing... Then, Alessa and Zoi Royale come flying straight at me, like a bat outta hell or one of those effects that's suppose to make you jump at a 3D movie.
Anyway, Hope you enjoyed that. Hahaha.
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
Jaise?! ....Who the hell is Jaise?
Um, so I'm going to use the name Jaise, because in this particular dream the "lead male" character is in a constant state of flux between my character, Blaise and Jacob, the hott werewolf from Twilight....Which is weird.
So, the dream starts out with me walking home alone. Just walking. Then Jaise runs up behind me and starts walking with me. And we started talking about something, I don't remember what though, and then all of a sudden he's like , Hey! Let's go to that new store downtown?! And I'm like whatever. So we go to this random store.
And the store itself was freakin weird. Know why? Know why? BECAUSE IT WAS A SHAPESHIFTING STORE?!?!?!?! When me and Jaise walked in, it was a clothing store, then it became a cave, then a pet store, then a jewelry store, then a clothing store again?! It was weird...
Anyway, Jaise and I go inside and I start looking at the clothes on the racks and I'm not paying any attention to him. Then the next thing I know, Jaise is dragging some random dude, who looked like Twitty and apprently goes to school with us, over to meet me. It seems in a span of 30 seconds Jaise managed to get Twitty to agree to come home with us.... even though, I've never talked to him before in my life. And I kinda smile that super akward smile and say Hi. Then as soon as Twitty is out of ear shot, I start whispering to Jaise. And I'm like "Why the hell did you invite him over?!" Then there's a pause.... "Ohmigod! You're not gonna-" And then Jaise nods. Apprently, Jaise is a werewolf.... and he plans to eat Twitty.
I hate werewolves..... I HATE THEM!?!!?!?!
But that is beside the point... My suspcion confirmed, I then begin to freak out and beg Jaise not to eat Twitty, who mind you, I barely know. But Jaise will have none of that, He's gonna eat Twitty no matter what I say. And he disappears. Then the store turns into a cave and I run around in circles forEVER looking for him. But I NEVER find him so I eventually give up, and take it upon myself to just gaurd Twitty.
So Twitty and I, go from the cave to the pet store, where we get side tracked by cuteness, then to the jewelry store. But why the jewelry store? Because in the display case I can see Alchemy Circle necklaces just like the ones that I collect/wear constantly and I begin to wonder if they have any specifically designed to repell werewolves. So, I drag Twitty over there and I'm looking at necklace after necklace and I can't find any that'll work.
Finally Twitty gets bored and says he's gonna wait outside for me. Then Jaise, who has apprently been standing next to me, the whole time (THE WHOLE TIME?!), says "Oh come on Kitty. You don't honestly expect those silly sliver charms to stop me, do you?" And I turn around and get really pissed and start yelling at him about how he can't eat Twitty. But that doesn't work. So then I switch gears instantly. And I give him a big hug and I tell him, if he eats Twitty, that I'm going to break up with him. End of Story.
However, that doesn't work either. Jaise calls my bluff and says that I would never break up with him because I looooove him. And he says it in such an arrogant/self assured way. So, even though I apprently love him, I kick him. A good solid roundhouse kick to the left hip. And guess what happens?! Guess! I DARE YOU?!....WRONG! You know what happened? His torso fell off?! It fell off! Plop!
And what's weirder, I was not at all phased by it. I just kinda stood there and watched while his torso got up and put itself back in place. And then we left the store. The End. I have no idea, whether Twitty died or not. If I had to guess though, I would say that he did. I mean Jaise was really hell bent on eating him. Hahahaha.
Anyway, that's my dream! I have one other one that I vividly remember even thought it was awhile ago and maybe if your lucky, I'll get bored enough to post it! Hhahaha.
Friday, February 12, 2010
Tweeting Birds?
The Hirivo are messenger birds and they are used to summon the memembers of The Imperial Court. The leaders of every country have them. Anyway, the Hirivo are about the size of a dove. And each bird usually has two or three colors on it.
Here's a horribly editted picture of bird wings for reference purposes,
And their coloring is as follows,
Blue = The Body of the Bird and the top part of the wing, indicates which country is calling the meeting.
Pink = The mid sized feathers which take up the majority of the wing, indicates why said meeting is being called.
Green = The longest feathers and/or the tips of the wings designates the meeting place.
And a list of each country and it's assigned color,
Zarius = Blue
Rayet = Green
Ursionya = Yellow
Myritrius = Grey
Harcos = White
Tethys = Black
And I can't find my list of reasons for the court to meet and their respective colors, but this is what I remember off the top of my head...
War = Red
Leadership Change = Purple
Don't worry though, If I can't find that list I'll just come up with a new list and colors and all that Jazz. Hahahaha.
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
Eternal Struggle

The Eternal Struggle is generally pictured as a White Tiger fighting a Chinese style Dragon. Usually in the presence of a Yin Yang. Although there are a couple different ways to view these symbols, I prefer to stick with the traditional Martial Arts explanation. The Dragon stands for Wisdom and Peace. And the Tiger stands for Strength and Power. Which, then becomes known as "Peace over Power" or "Mind over Matter" or better yet "The Eternal Struggle."
Now, to the point. I love Martial Arts and have made it a pretty major part of my book as far as symbolism and deeper meaning go.... So, as anyone who actually pays attention to what I write here knows, when I created Blaise, I created him to be the living embodiment of Bushido. Which is why he's so perfect. Anyway, I had been pondering the idea of having the RoQuero wearing War Paint to the final fight scene in Book One. And I started thinking that Tiger Stripes would be perfect for Blaise. Then like yesterday it hit me. At the end of Book One, Blaise's DNA gets tainted by Eclipse's toxic Dragon Blood. Dragon Blood.... Tiger Striped War Paint..... Blaise is the embodiment of Bushido..... TIGER AND DRAGON=BUSHIDO?! -gasp- BLAISE REALLY DOES EQUAL BUSHIDO?!
And the funniest part was that I didn't even realize I did that, until like two weeks later. Totally unplanned. Hahaha. Subliminal Messaging?! Anyway, I just thought that that was cool and oddly coincidental. So, if you would like to learn a little bit more about The Eternal Struggle I'd be happy to enlighten you.
Um, I haven't decided if I'll actually make The RoQuero wear War Paint or not yet. Because, you know, I only have Blaise's figured out and Vlad doesn't like putting on make up of any kind, I'm not particularly good at color schemes either. And of course, my rotten friends are incapable of giving me an opinion.... But I'll get it sorted out eventually.
-latent hostility- I'm also hoping that this post will make some people realize that they have no idea what they are talking about and that they should either shut up, or get their facts straight.... You know who you are.
Saturday, February 6, 2010
If You Don't Like it, You Can Lock Me Up?!
"You can take my head and cut it off,
Okay, so by request, I have drawn up some larger scale, slightly less awful sketches of my totally epic custom castle. It takes some influence from 16th century designs, but is mostly made to facilitate all the madness of my plot line, so I, basically have no idea whether it architectually sound or not. And I am a super crappy artist. But whatever. Enjoy.
Oh! And note that I will have to scale down the pictures a bit, but if you click on them, they should get bigger. <3
Okay, so this first picture is basically just an over view of the general area. The Zarius Castle of Doom is placed on an angle, at the top of a hill, on the edge of a cliff. There is a small courtyard infront of the castle, surrounded by the inner wall, a huge moat, a draw bridge and an outer wall. Beyond that we have a bunch of vague villages and farm land. Surrounding the main road just beyond the castle entrance is where the main market place and most of the shops are located. And if you follow the main road all the way down to the left there, you will eventually reach the yet to be named port city/fishing village. (It's about a days walk from the castle.) Anyway, beyond the vague towns and farmland, there is a moderately sized clearing and then the deep dense forest. I haven't named that yet either, so for the moment it is "The RoQuero'Kubeh's Forest."
Kay, so this is basically the castle's blue print. In the left wing, we have the family's bedrooms, Aiden's study, the library and the guest rooms, etc, etc. And in the right wing, we have Eclipse's room, the Armory, the Kitchen, etc, etc. And in the middle we have the entrance hall, which is connected by hallways to both the left and right wings and leads directly into the dining hall/throne room. Beyond that we have the terrace and the garden. And beyond that, a low wall separating the castle ground from the edge of a cliff?!
Note that there are three towers, and that they are all drawn grossly out of proportion and aren't round. But they should be.... So just keep that in mind. Round, and bigger....
And that the two towers in front there, were built more for defense then anything else and have a billion little arrow slits to accommodate archers. Where as the third tower was not. I'm also considering putting a big catapualt or something to that effect on the roofs of these two towers. Cause I think it would be rather epic.
Also, beyond the low wall that separates the castle grounds from the edge of the cliff there is a ridiculously long set of stairs, hidden for the most part by the jagged rocks of the cliff face (Not unlike the Stairs of Bared Dor, in Lord of The Rings 3....) that serves as an escape/evacuation route. Which leads down to the King's pirate dock/port, and houses a fleet of ships, that serve as the Royal Navy.
And these last two pictures, I drew just to show how the third tower is connected to the rest of the building, 'cause I didn't want anyone to think I just stuck another random tower onto the back of the building. Um, the third tower is the tallest and the widest. It has a flat top. And at the very top, on the roof of this tower is where the Hirivo are kept. And if you don't remember what they are, then shame on you.
Also note, that the switch back stairs in the top picture are hidden behind the castle's outer wall, in a small hallway in between the throne room and outer wall of the castle.
Okay. So I guess that's all I have to say about my fabulous castle. Hope you enjoyed it...and a billion points to anyone who can point out, WITHOUT LOOKING IT UP ON THE INTERWEBS, which parts of the castle and surrounding areas where influenced by 16th century architecture. I dare you!
Thursday, February 4, 2010
Down in DragonTown
So now I'm trying to come up with some new and hopefully epic alternatives. At this point I haven't given it too much thought, but I've already got some rough ideas. Would you like to hear them?.... O rly? You don't....? TOO BAD?! I'm gonna tell you anyway?!
Alrite, so in my previous explainations of this fight scene, I had Hiroshi using blood alchemy left, right and sideways but I didn't utilize Aiden's wings at all?! Which is a shame, because they are so very, very pretty and impressive. So in this version of the fight, I would like to have Aiden flying around like a bat out of hell. Hahahaha.
However?! This brings up another issue, Aiden's weapon. A sword is not very useful when you are hovering 500 feet above the enemy, now is it? No. It's not. So, I was pondering pherhaps making him an archer as well. But I'm really not too sure about that. I mean would that be super lame or what?
And another thing?! In the original sketch of this fight scene, I had Kerian using his powers to pull bones of the long since deceased out of the ground then use them as projectiles in an attempt to kill Hiroshi. Which in my mind looks very cool. But now, I'm starting to think that maybe I shouldn't do that. I mean, cause I can't tell if it's to much like an anime or something.... Anyway, so I was thinking as a replacement for the shattered bone fragment projectiles, that I should have Kerian use his powers to break one the other or both of Aiden's wings. Which would be tragic and Daddy would fall out of the sky like a freaking rock, but I'm sure he could handle it. He's a tough guy. <3
Also, in case you have forgotten, the handle of Kerian's sword is made out of bone, so the possiblity of a flying ghost sword attacking people all on it's own is there. Oh! And I have invented an excellent manuver, that is totally practical, (I tested it on Aaron) which Aiden could use to chop off Kerian's head. Should I decide to behead him. And it looks really cool.