...................Crazy is Just Fine Cause I Like Where I'm Going...................
Sunday, January 31, 2010
Walrus Sound?
Anyway, Vlad hits the water and takes off like a freaking shot, swimming like an unbelievably fast dolphin. Because apparently sharks are afraid of anything that even remotely moves like a dolphin in my dreams. While I...drowned. Cause apparently I forgot how to swim. But Blaise rescues me just in the nick of time and pulls me up onto his surf board. Then the shark, which was chasing Atreyu and the boat for some reason, turns around and starts chasing us?! And I'm freaking out, but Blaise is completely calm because his surf board has an out board motor on it..... Because that is totally possible.
Anyway, the shark starts chasing us towards shore and eventually winds up gaining on us...Um, and we are about 2 yards from the shore when, the tip of Blaise's surf board digs into the sand and we wipe out. Blaise and I go flying, and so does the shark, which was apparently close enough for the back of the board to hit him in the face when it flipped up, which catapults him onto the sand as well. Which is again, totally possible.
And that's when I disappear. And Blaise apparently passed out. Then when he wakes up, he sees the shark lying on the sand and he can't find me, so he flips the hell out and starts screaming and throwing rocks at this shark, which is for all intensive purposes, dead. And this goes on for like, no lie, twenty minutes?!
And then Vlad runs over and tells Blaise that I lived, but for some reason I am completely absent from the rest of the dream. As is Atreyu, but they don't even explain what happened to him, or to our boat.
Then, Blaise and Vlad start walking along the beach and come across a random basketball court on the beach. And Vlad starts watching the game and Blaise is glaring at a random dorsal fin that may or may not belong to another giant shark, that's floating around in the water, just beyond the beach. Then all of a sudden, the ball goes flying out into the water and someone starts running after it and Blaise jumps up to stop him. Then one thing leads to another and I don't particularly remember why, but Blaise winds up fighting the entire basketball team by himself. Taking care to beat the hell out out of this one guy, I have never seen before, specifically.
And then?! My cat wakes me up... But it's 5:30 in the freaking morning?! On a sunday?! So I push him off the bed and go back to sleep.
And I find myself on that same beach. Vlad is sitting on the sand near the edge of the water and Blaise is standing next to him with a pair of binoculars. And there are a million billion, little glowing blue electrode things floating all down the beach in the shallow water. And I remember thinking that it looks like a glow in the dark fish net... Anyway, there are also electrodes attached to Vlad's temples. And before I can figure out what there for, Blaise sees a shark and yells now and Vlad uses his mind to electrocute the hell out of it. Cause he's psychic now.... And a random crowd of spectators is like YAY! IT WORKS?!
Then the ocean is suddenly filled with a bazillion of these weird looking white creatures, that looks like a cross between, jelly fish and squid and sea turtles and sea horses. Just really ugly buggers. Blaise starts screaming and Vlad starts electrocuting them and it's not working.... and then?! My cat wakes me up again..... He very well knows I can't feed him until 9. Yet less then a half an hour later he has woken me up again. So I push him off the bed and go back to sleep again.
And this time, I'm on a submarine with Blaise and Vlad who are apparently scientists now. And there is a bunch of big chalk boards all around the room and scraps of paper everywhere?! And Blaise and Vlad have decided that their previous method of killing the evil sea creatures is harmful to the environment, so they have to find a different way to kill them. But Vlad's brain electricity is the only thing that works?! So Blaise starts explaining his plan to make a big glass tube and trap the evil sea creature in there and then electrocute them. Which, is a pretty awful plan. Hahaha. Then a random guy runs into the room and says that the "something, something, something," Sisters (I can't remember what their names were...) are planning a trip to Atlantis and Blaise and Vlad have to convince them otherwise or they shall all die?!
So the scene changes to like some kind of super fancy cruise liner and there are three Indian Princess' sitting on the deck of the boat. One is wearing pink and one is wearing blue and one is wearing green, and one of them looks a bit like LaLita Gupa, from the Big Bang Theory. And Blaise is standing on the dock, trying to convince them not to go to Atlantis because it is not safe and the world will surely end if they were to die?! And he makes a quite dramatic speech. And Vlad is no where to be found. Anyway, with this speech Blaise is able to convince the Blue and Green Princess' right away, to get off the boat. So he helps them down and they run across the dock to shore. But the Pink Princess, who I got the feeling was the oldest, is very defiant and refuses to listen to Blaise. So the Green Princess, which I assume was the youngest, comes back to yell at her not to be dense, and what does she do? She jumps in the freaking water?!?!!
Then the next thing you know, a giant freaking squid comes out of no where, grabs the Pink Princess, destroys the boat and the dock which flings Blaise and The Green Princess into the water. IT'S CHAOS?!?!?! But Blaise is a super duper action hero and manages to save both the princess', and almost drowns in the process. So the three of them, wash up on shore. Then the Pink Princess gives him a kiss on the cheek and apologizes for being an idiot. THEN THE SQUID SOMEHOW MIRACULOUSLY REAPPEARS AND DRAGS BLAISE BACK INTO THE WATER?!?!?!?!
AND THEN.....My stupid phone started ringing, cause my stupid boyfriend was texting me, so I have no idea whether Blaise lived through this or not..... I'm pretty sure he did. I mean, the only time I've ever killed Blaise is when I was writing a tragic love story. And I don't do that very often. Anway, That was a totally irrelevant post, hope you enjoyed it.... and TEN THOUSAND POINTS to anyone who could follow this rant. GOOD DAY?!
Monday, January 18, 2010
Give the Radio Back to the Maniac
So, in case you forgot what she looks like, here's a picture of my original Tereasa,
I always liked her character design, but I recently began to think she was just to plain. So, I tried a bunch of diffrent looks for her, and after much thought and a whole lot of harassing people for their opinions, I think I finally picked a good new look for her. Transforming plain Tereasa into...
The Gorgeus Amazon Princess Andromina?! I haven't decided for sure what I am going to change her name to, because I can't get a single one of my rotten friends to give me a fricking opinion, so for right now I'm just going to go with Andromina.
Anyway, her eyes are the same as they have always been, Magenta Pink! And her hair is still black, I just changed the style. -smile- I think the curls suit her better anyway. I also changed her make up and her skin color to pale purple. Which, at first, I thought was gonna look really stupid. But now, I'm glad I tried it. 'Cause I love it.
So.... That's my Amazon Princess from Rayet. Fear her, Love her, etc etc. Hahahaha.
Sunday, January 17, 2010
I got a lot of water in my brain?!

Wednesday, January 13, 2010
'Ello Sue! I've got legs.
Ka'tiri- Ka'tiri is a Native American term, (It's Algonquian. You'll have to forgive me though, I forget exactly which tribe it's from.) which means "Husband." And I have decided that I am going to have Aiden use it as a pet name for Hiroshi.
Setsurin- Setsurin is also a Native American term. (Also Algonquian in origin.) Which basically means "Soul Mate." And I am going to have this one be Hiroshi's cutesy nickname for Aiden.
Shirogane- Shirogane means "Silver" in Japanese. (Note, That this is silver the metal, not silver the color...) So, I think I will have Hiroshi's mother, Shori and possibly his half brother, Kenji, use it as a nickname for Hiroshi, because his hair is Silver, (Silver?! Not grey...) and I think it's cute. So deal with it?!
Also note, that with the exception of Shirogane, I did tweak the spelling of all of these words. So don't read them and go "WHAT THE HELL?! That's not a Native American term?!" and start yelling at me, because it is a Native American term, it just doesn't look that way. Hahahaha.
Um, I haven't come up with anything for Angel and Krystal, or Emma and Eclipse or Tereasa and Sabastian yet.... Because Aiden and Hiroshi, were my main focus. BUT I AM GETTING THERE?! I might even revert back to using Finnish. Hahaha. It would be a hell of a lot easier then trying to track down crediable sources for random Native American translations.
Thursday, January 7, 2010
.....Zingleburt Fishtybuns?
-feeling dramatic- After an unbelievable amount of PAIN STAKING deliberation I have FINALLY come up with a suitable untranslated creed for my RoQuero and I absolutely love it.
Ometi Tsu'ey Enawey Re'tikai
It shall be pronounced Ohm-et-tay Two-sue'ey En-ah-wey Ray-'Tick-kai and in case you forgot it is to be the RoQuero'Kubeh's untranslated creed, which in english means "Death before Blindness"
Also, I have decided to make the fact that, the RoQuero'Kubeh and their creed and basically everything they stand for, were based on Bushido, even more blantantly obvious by simply coming out an saying it. So, when Emma is learning about her allies, The RoQuero, I am going to have Blaise mention that they live by the code of Bushido. This of course, will be my own slightly modified version of Bushido, because I don't particularly agree with one or two of traditional Bushido's disicplines/virtues or with the some of the ways that religon and government influenced the devolpment of Bushido.....
Anyway, my justification for these differences between the two, and I'd have to have Hiroshi explain this, would be that the RoQuero'Kubeh's verison of Bushido is diffrent because it was devolped in a diffrent age, under the influences of a diffrent religon with minimal government interference. Of course, this would best go along with/would be easiest to explain, if I decide to go with the "World Splitting Theory". Which I haven't decided if I will use or throw out yet.....depends on how big of a role, I want Aiden and Hiroshi's religon to play in the story.....
And a Hard Boiled Egg?!
Now I realize that this is probably just me over thinking everything, like I have a tendancy to do, but since I have gotten absolutely no response/I can't get in touch with any of my "editors" (a.k.a. The people I bug for their opinions, and then more often or not ignore in the end. Hahaha) I decided to post about this in hopes that SOMEONE will get back to me..... -glares at you-
Anyway, moving on.... The thing that's bothering me the most is the glaring inconsistancy of the character's names. Specifically the names of my main characters. Lets take the Radic family for example.
Family Tree?!
Nicademus and Kai
Kai + Aurora = Kerian, Aiden and Lily
Aiden + Hiroshi = Emma, Angel and Xander
Emma + Eclipse = Serena and Zareck
I recently decided that it is strange, or at least in my mind, that dispite the fact that Hiroshi is Japanese, none of his children or grandchildren have Japanese names. Or even Japanese sounding names. Granted, I orginally did this intentionally as to avoid using to many Japanese names so I wouldn't look like just another stupid fan girl, but now I'm thinking it's a bit off. I mean why the hell would the children of a Zarian and a Japanese guy, have predominately British names?
I'm also debating about changing a few names. Mainly Serena, Xander and Tereasa and possibly even Kiska. And I'm thinking about this for a couple diffrent reasons.
-In the case of Serena and Xander, it's because dispite how I love, love, love those names, I kinda don't feel like they fit...-frown-
-And I really don't think Tereasa's name is exotic enough. I mean, she is the epically gorgeus Princess of an Amazon-esque Kingdom, and I think she deserves to have a equally epic name?!
-And as far as Kiska..... well I don't know if you've noticed, but with the exception of Adrienne and Xanathos, all of my villains names begin with K. Granted, I don't particularly care that all their names begin with the same letter, but at the same time.....I kinda feel like I should change it.....
So...yea. I'm considering Andromina as a name replacement for either Tereasa or Serena. And.... Setsuka, 'cuz I don't care what anyone says, I like that name. I don't think I'd use it as a name replacement for Serena though.... I don't know, Setsuka and Zareck doesn't sound quite right to me. Um, I like the name Na'tiri, which was the name of the Princess in the Avatar movie, I just can't decide if it would be lame for me to use that or not.... Though if I did use it, I think I'd use it for Tereasa. I lyke Ariana, as well. Because it's pretty and I could call her Ari, which I think would make a cute nickname. But other then that I haven't given the new names much thought. I'll keep working on it though.....
Um, as always I'm open to suggestions, and I'll see ya'll later?!