Sunday, September 14, 2014

I'm Bringing Booty Back

today was a really strange day
I saw a Hell's Angel at the MSPCA Yard Sale.
Then my boyfriend randomly decided that he wanted to go hiking.
And I saved a dog from getting splattered all over the highway by chasing her down a mountain after she got off her leash because the old lady walking her would never have caught her before she got to the bottom.
My supervisor has me making the work schedules now.
I am deeply in love with my stretch marks as of late.
I've decided to publish my OTP challenge on Wattpad.
So you can read the Windigo story as well as Blaise and Vlad go to Hogwarts and many other fantastically gay shorts by me on Wattpad!
Alright..... That's all I had to say, DISMISSED?!