Friday, March 14, 2014

Ode to an Old Friend

This is just something that I was inspired to write one day when I was lost and ended up somewhere that I just so happened to know.

Ode to an Old Friend

Today I drove through the town where you used to live,
You're not here anymore but my memories persist.
We used to walk down this street,
Sit on a couch in that house and watch tv,
Go to Cumbies at 4 am to get mountain dew and doritos,
But that was a long time ago.

Today I drove past the house where you used to live,
I still remember all the good times that we had there and it makes me sad to think that you're not in my life anymore.
I think of calling you briefly,
and then I remember that your number's been changed.
I remember why you're not in my life anymore,
For some reason you decided that I'm not worth your time,
That I'm not good enough, as I am and it hurts.

Looking back on how close we used to be hurts,
But I wouldn't trade our time together for anything but honestly sometimes I can't bare to think about the past.
Maybe someday you'll think about me again,
Maybe someday you'll miss me.

You were my best friend once,
You could be again,
If you wanted.

I wouldn't exactly call it a poem. But I don't really know what else to call it either. Anyway, it's a one shot, I probably won't ever come back to it and the people on my mind will probably never read it, but it was rattling around in my brain so I wrote it down. There ya go, that's as good as it's ever going to get friends.