Saturday, December 28, 2013

Kangaroo Mice are Cocky

Get ready for Lita's shortest ever blog post!


Are you ready?

I'm naming one of Lilliana and Atreyu's twins, Jace. I have too! I have an obsession, it must be done. Now all I have to do is decide what the other twin's name will be.


That is all.

Saturday, December 21, 2013

Let The Storm Rage On

Elsa will be Lilliana and Atreyu's first child and Nicademus will die after she is born and then they will name their first son after him. I'm thinking it'll go Elsa, daughter, Nicademus, son, son. Because I don't want to continually be having the oldest child turn down the throne you know? I mean I feel like the trend shouldn't be quite that popular. You know?

Here's a family tree. lol I left out Kerian's kids and Adrienne because they aren't really relevant to the topic at hand....... Opps. Looks like I fucked up though. Elonwey is Kaori's wife not Zareck's. And they will have one kid as well. Zareck might end up being gay. Maybe asexual. I don't know, I feel him being alone and not in an lonely no one loves me sort of way but more like an I don't really need a relationship kind of bro. Like maybe he's just set all on his own or something. Hahaha.

That's all. You're dismissed.

Monday, December 9, 2013

Couldn't Keep It In, Heaven Knows I Tried

Firstly, I would like to say that you all suck. I ask you people if you want to read actual bits of my story 39 thousand times, you always say yes and then I actually post something and you completely ignore it. Not even one, it's good or I hate it or anything! And you wonder why I am so hesitant to put my shit out there! No one even cares enough to read it. And that's not hurtful or anything! -_-" Good thing I'm not writing for you Jerks, otherwise I would be sorely disappointed.

Anyway, there actually is a point to this post aside from yelling at my nearly nonexistent fan base. As some of you know, I have been working on the OTP Challenge in an attempt to break my writer's block so that I can get back to working on this stupid book that no one actually cares about. And of course Blaise and Vlad are my OTP to end all OTPs.
So basically what happened is one of the prompts is your OTP as senior citizens, and I decided that Blaise and Vlad will be super adorable old gay men, and the short will be about them dancing together at Lily's daughter's wedding. So that's Emma and Eclipse's granddaughter. Alright? Don't get confused.
Now this presented a problem for me because I hadn't even thought about marrying Liliana off yet, let alone about her intended children. But since the idea was planted in my head, I have made some determinations. The first is that my darling daughter will fall in love and subsequently marry a handsome sailor by the name of Atreyu. Yes! Atreyu! That character that everyone forgot about, except me! Atreyu is a pirate on Nicademus's ship. Of course if I want him to end up with my lovely Lily, then I'll have to change his age a bit, I'm thinking that I'll make him at most like 10 because Lily will be about 7 the first time that they meet and I think that three years is an okay age gap. So that's one part of it.
Then I decided from that that I am going to give Lily and Atreyu, 3 children. The first we're going to name after Nicademus in tribute to that great man, who in comparison to everyone else is older then dirt and will die before Lily gets knocked up. It's sad but, you know, people don't live forever. I mean, they have Hobbit life spans, but even still. Anyway, then their gonna have a daughter and I am naming her Elsa. Hehehehe. I'm not sorry.
She's gonna be the bomb. Um, the third child, I haven't given much thought too yet. It could be a boy, it could be a girl, it could be a squid. I might change my mind and make them twins or something so there's 4 children. I don't know yet. Actually I'm feeling 5 children right now. 5 seems good. Haha. Why not? But anyway Elsa and Nicademus are happening. Annnnnnnd Nicademus is going to be Thor/his namesake Nicademus and not want to be king even though it is in fact his birth right.
So Elsa is the Queen!!
As well she should be.
And I have decided that she is going to be Julie Andrews in Princess Dairies, she's gonna be with the same guy for a million years but she won't marry him until they're older. So she'll be ruling the kingdom solo for a number of years before this wedding happens, which will in turn make Blaise and Vlad and everyone even older. And I have no idea who this person she is marrying in order for this wedding to be happening is yet, could be a man, could be a woman, I haven't thought too much about it. But I'm pleased to have decided to make a Julie Andrews type character because I think that she is just fantastical.
And Atreyu is technically "black" so Elsa may end up being "black" as well. We don't really have any pink or blue or green bloodlines in the family thus far, so the chances of her being purple like an Andromina are pretty slim, but really once I start playing around with it, anything could happen.
Sooooo, beware! I guess. Hahaha.

This goddess hurts me with her insane talent.
And that's about it for right now. Comment or don't comment, whatever I can't depend on you people for criticism in any event.