Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Oh My Heart! Too Much Communism

Ohmigod, I have been blogging all day long. Like all day long bro. It's super crazy. I woke up at fuck o'clock this morning to drive all the way back to school and took the quickest shower in history to be ready in time for my 9am class and it was cancelled. The next one is at 10:30, no problems I'll just blog for my project a whole bunch, then I went to check my email and found out that my next class was cancelled too. Okay, so.... I drove all the hell the way back to school at fuck o'clock in the morning for a class at 1:30 is what I apparently did today. And I might have a test tonight with my idiot teacher, ya know the one that I hate because she's always late and never has a lesson plan, ya that one. Because surprise! She never lets anyone know what's going on ever.... Cause she's a bitch.

Anyway! Time for my post. So, as of right now, Eclipse proposes to Emma on the balcony and he makes a little speech and it's very romantic and cliche and maybe a little cheesy. I don't know, I wrote it and I like the way that it came out and all but at the same time, I'm starting to think that perhaps it doesn't fit Eclipse's personality quite as well as it should. Sooooo, I'm thinking of changing it.

Buuuut to what you ask? Well I'll tell you!
I think that Eclipse should propose in bed. And not like a weird and awful sort of in the middle of sex sort of proposal either. More like a, we're cuddling and having a beautiful moment when Eclipse is like "Do you know how much I love you?" And Emma is all coy and cute and she goes "No, tell me about it, Stud" (except not like that but I couldn't help the Grease reference.) And then BAM! Ring, proposal! Mind blown! Wah-bam! Hahaha. I think that it's a lot closer to something that fits Eclipse's personality. But for posterity's sake I am searching out opinions from the two people that read this blog.

So, there you have it. If anyone wants me to post what I have for the original proposal with the draft of the new one for comparison of cheesey-ness then  let me know and maybe I'll grow some balls and post them. But yeah, let me know what you think about my new idea.