Thursday, January 3, 2013

Wait For It

First post of the new year!
Happy 2013 everyone!
I really want to type something vaguely aggressive and venomous about how I wish everyone a happy new year but only some of you actually deserve to have a happy new year, buuuuut that's a lot of work and perhaps I don't much care anymore. I mean seriously.... Of course it's all true. But it's not really my job to state such things and I'm in a good mood and being positive and all that shit anyway.

So, I'll just leave you Bros to your own fates.
Good luck!

Alright! So to the relevant issue at hand! Kerian, I was thinking that I should change his back story a little bit. Not much, just a little. He'll still be manipulated by Adrianne and completely insane by the end of everything. However! I was thinking that maybe Kazuo should be Kerian's son. Why not? After all Adrianne does fact her own death when Kerian is captured and goes after him when he's exiled, so who is to say that she couldn't be pregnant with a child when all of that was going on? Hmmmm? And Aiden had already had a bunch of children. Like two. Hahaha. So, it's not outside the realm of possibility that she could be pregnant. And if Kazuo was brought up by Psycho Kerian and Manipulative Wench Adrianne, that would explain why he's so incredibly phucked up, don't you think? It would also add some meaning to his alliance with Kerian. Cause honestly, think about it. If Kazuo was such an emotionless, remorseless killing machine then why would he side with Kerian? By all rights, he shouldn't give a phuck about the crown or any of that stuff. But, if Kerian were his Father, that would be different. Hahaha.

Soooo, thoughts? Concerns?