Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Money Can't Buy Knives

Okay, so is it with creepy, way older guys hitting on me at gas stations? Seriously? Enough already! I was driving Home from Layfon's house real late one night, it was like 2-2:30 in the morning and my car is empty, so I stop to get gas. And just before I finish pumping the gas, this Taxi pulls up and the guy starts talking to me. Like asking where I'm from and crap, and I'm not gonna lie, I thought that he was trying to get directions from me. Then he got weird about it and asked me out for a drink. It's phucking 2 am!?!! And he's like 40. And I'm not 21 yet. So, sketchy much? Ew. Ewwy Ewwy Ew!!!

I would've cut him, but money can't buy knives. -shrug- But if money can't buy knives, then I'm not a hundred percent sure how I came to own so many of them. Hahaha. Oh well! Let's get back to the point of this post. Yes! This post does indeed have a point! In fact, there are at least two of them! Hahaha.

Sooooo, who here has seen Thor? Raise your hands now, so I can see. Not many of you, huh? That's disappointing. If you haven't seen Thor then you should go see it! If only for the sex appeal of the Lightning God. Hahaha. I mean, lookit him!

He's the sex!
Just like Blaise! And myself!
Just kidding.

Anyway, in Thor, Thor has a conversation about how what Queen Amadala calls sciene and what he calls magic are one and the same in his World. And I thought that was really cool. So I was thinking that, just to add yet another scene to my book so that I will never ever finish writing the damned thing, that I should have a similar conversation with Emma and.... somebody! Who? I haven't decided yet. I feel like the most logical choice would be Hiroshi. But Emma and Hiroshi already have a very long one on one/heart to heart about how she wound up on Earth and such. So, then I was thinking maybe Angel. But then I remembered that Angel get's to take Emma on her first tour of the castle and grounds. So, that's kind of a moment. Now, I'm thinking about Aiden.

Can I get a vote on whether this is a good or bad choice? Anyone? Oh! I also need to determine where I am going to put this scene. I was thinking that I should put it just before the scene about her trying to use her powers for the first time. But I'm not sure how I should bring the subject up, since it's not like that would be the first time that she's seen someone use their snazzy Vaikas abilities. So, she can't be like, ohmigod what was that?! -gaspy tiems- Hahaha. So, I guess that I have to work on that one. Let me know if you have any suggestion on how to bring the subject up.

Next subject, Blaise. I bet that you were wondering when the next time I was going to post about Blaise was. Weren't you? Hahaha. Anyway, Blaise's super Vaikas abilities is control over watersh. (That's how my chem professor said water. It was always watersh. And I loveded him so much! Hahaha.) And I have decided that because Blaise is an all powerful water bender and I've already decided to give him the ability to boil people's blood inside their veins, I think that he should have some minor healing abilities. After all, our bodies are what? Like 80 percent water? Why shouldn't he be able to manipulate the water inside our bodies to stimulate natural healing and such to make it heal on it's own faster? I think that he should. And I don't think that I care at all if you all think that that's too lame and Anime-esque. It makes logical sense to me, so I'ma do it. Endo story.

And finally, I would like to inform ya'll that through this blog and posting all the time just so that my pleas for help and opinions could be consistantly ignored by you guys, I have actually figured out and worked out all the details and things that I needed to to make everything flow and make sense. So, unless I decide to add something new to it like I just did or come up with another scene to add in there, I won't have too much to post here anymore. Which got me thinking that perhaps I should start posting actually peices of the story, like I used too. Would anyone be interested in that? ...Would anyone actually help me out and give constructive critisim on the story? Or would this useless progress slowing silence continue? Because I'm too paranoid to post my story online if I'm not going to get actually help with it. Fair warning

And I guess that that's it for right now.
Love ya

And remember, money can't buy knives!