Wednesday, April 27, 2011

I Pick Things Up, I Put Them Down, I Am a Roady!

Hello Lovelies!

Lookit this?!

It's me and Pipz and Ruby Kins at Anime Boston!

Aren't we super cute?!


Monday, April 4, 2011

What I Believed to be True, It Was Only A Dream

Are those Alice Cooper's eyeballs staring at you in a semi-disturbing fashion?

Why yes. Yes they are.

Enjoy that.

And whatever you do, try not to let the fact that he's staring way down, deep into your very soul while you're reading this blog bother you in the slightest.

Really, it's just Alice after all.

Ha Ha Ha Ha

Anyway, the point of this post is as follows, technology. You can't escape it! It's everywhere, right? Right.

But what about in the Makai?

I don't recall whether or not I've ever posted about this issue before in the past. But, I've been thinking about it again recently. So, I figured why not post about such things? Exactly. So post I shall! And here it comes,

But first I have to say, that this book is not Steampunk! Okay? And I don't want it turning into some monstrosity of an Other World/Steampunk cross over! There will be no, ridiculous Steampunk Robots, or Steampunk Nazi Zombies or anything like that running about in Zarius! It will not happen! So, don't get your hopes up. Haha. Anyway, moving right along... Living in the Makai, Vaikas will have access such technology as,
-Gas Lamps

-Printing Press


-Record Players



-Hot Air Balloons

And that's pretty much it. I do not want any cars or motor vehicles of any type. We have Horses and that will suit us just fine, I think. I do NOT want Telephones. And definitely no Television. And I don't want any Steam Powered Ships of any kind. Like Boats? No. I'd like to stick with Pirate Ships and things of that nature. So, no submarines either. And while we're at it, not actual Planes. Like Air Planes? Those are not necessary, I've decided. So, no. We will be having none of that. Hahaha.


And as far as Military type technology, I see no reason for Vaikas to have guns or bombs, or even cannons for that matter. Catapults and our most fabulous Vaikas Powers shall do just as nicely, thank you. (I should really get to work on coming up with a name for those powers, like I said that I was going to like a year ago, shouldn't I? Haha.) Ummm, Advancements in Medical Technology are basically unnecessary in the Makai. However, I have yet to decide how I feel about things like Farming Equipment and how advanced I want our Kitchen Appliances to be. So, I guess that I'll have to get back to you on those cutting edge fronts. Haha.


Um, in other news, I am considering the possibility of floating islands in the sky. And yes, I know that it's been used before and it's not original, blah, blah, blah. But it is sooooooo cool! And would floating islands in the sky not make a perfect port for Airships and such things? It most certainly would! (I'm also thinking that such ports could be build into the sides of mountains!) And I like this idea so much, that I may even be considering turning Harcos into a floating island instead of a stationary continent! Or perhaps, instead of sending Lily and Aurora away to live in Rayet or in the country sides somewhere in the middle of no where, where my deranged uncle can't get to them, I could send them to live on just such an island! That would be pleasant, dontchu think? I certainly do. I probably wouldn't make both of those changes though. I mean, I wouldn't want it to seem like everything interesting in the Makai happens on floating islands in the sky! That would just be weird! And now for something completely different!?!!

This is a creepy picture of my Hubby, Johnathan Faust the 8th!


Isn't he just the cuuutest?!

I haven't posted any pictures of him in quite some time... Or ever! So, I just thought that I'd remind ya'll about Dear Old Johnny! Haha. He doesn't really look it in this particular picture, but he's a real sweetheart!