Wednesday, March 9, 2011

When You're Strange... Say Spoon

I don't know why, but my Blog is being super tardy about the spacing and shyt of all of my posts all of a sudden. Which is rather vexing... Also, believe it or not, I've already posted this same post, twice. So imagine my shock an surprise when I go to check my blog, foolishly hoping that some one might've commented on it, only to find that there is in fact no post for me to check! Nope. Just a half written draft of this post for me to rewrite and attempt to post again. Let's hope that it works this time....

Alright! So, this will just be a real quick post with some updates, because I would like to inform you all that I am making a few changes to Part Three of my Book. Now, I realize that I don't talk about Part Three very much, as I have not yet finished writing Part One of my Book.... -_-" But I've been thinking about it quite a bit lately and I feel like posting! So, you're just gonna have to deal with the super random subject of these posts as you always have, won't you? Yes, I believe you shall!


So, mostly this post concerns the quest at hand and Vlad, Krystal and Andromina's involvement in said quest. Originally, it was supposed to be Emma, Angel, Krystal, Blaise, Darnell and Vlad on the quest and then later on we'd be joined by Nic and Atreyu. And then Fiore, Elonwey, Andromina and Sabastian at the castle with Zareck. However, lately, I have been pondering bringing Andromina along on our little quest. But I have a few concerns about doing that.

Number One. Would that be too many people? I mean, I don't want to have to force dialouge between people so that everyone's included in all the scenes. And I don't want the fight scenes to become too confusing with all of those people or anything like that.

Number Two. If I decide that there are too many people, who do I leave behind? Basically Vlad's entire character is just to be conflicted and react to whatever Blaise is doing. So, he doesn't add too much to the story. Unless it comes to fight scenes, because he and Blaise work very well together whilest fighting. Then there's Krystal, she can't fight! She's awful with a blade. But she's the Healer. And it might be wise to have one of those around, wouldn't it? And lastly, Andromina. As, she is the extra character that's throwing everything off balance, naturally it would make sense to just leave her behind, right?

The Problem. Because Eclipse's toxic Dragon blood got into his system, Blaise's DNA was mutated and now he's also half Dragon. Which means that Kikyo is after Blaise as well. So, the chances of Vlad staying behind when the Love of his Life is charging off to war with a psychopath that wishes to cut out his heart and eat it, are painfully slim. And Krystal is not only the Healer, but Angel's Lover and Krystal knows that Angel is still suffering some pain and side effects of Selene's poison, so I rather doubt that she's be easy to leave behind either. Plus! What if Eclipse and Serena have been injured by Kikyo or in the process of the rescue? We need her! And then there's Andromina! She is Emma's best friend. Granted, that's not a great reason to keep her around. But I also have another reason! And that is, that I think she'd be useful to have around in the final fight scene.

Why? Because at the moment we have Darnell covering Krystal while she finds a way to break the trance that Eclipse and Serena are in. But as we all know, Darnell has never been trained to use anything but a Giant Bowie Knife and a huge range of Guns! Guns for which he has an exceptionally limited number of bullets, because in Zarius we don't use Guns. So, he would run out of shots pretty damn quick. Now, I am thinking that instead of having Darnell cover Krys, we could leave Darnell outside with Nic and Atreyu and his Sea Rats to snipe and ambush all the guards patroling the area and what have you. And in his place, Andromina can cover Krystal. Since she is not only a most fabulous Archer, but a Swordsmen as well, I think that she'd be just a tiny bit more helpful in the final battle.

But don't worry, if I decide to do it like that, Darnell will still get the kill shot and snipe Kikyo down off the roof. Hahaha. Anyway, at the moment, I'm sort of leaning towards taking Andromina along with me because of all the madndmess that I just described to you about the final fight scene. But also because, Zareck is like 4 when all of this stuff would be happening and I tend to think that Sabastian, Fiore and Elonwey, left alone in a big castle with a 4 year old running wild all over the place has endless possiblities for entertainment. Hahaha

Let me know what you think!

-Lita Kaye