Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Has everybody gone Crazy?!

Alright, so you will have to excuse me for a moment as I use this blog as a journal momentarily, so I can rant about how much I hate the world and life in general?! Deal with it!

-deep breath- Okay?! So I was babysitting the other day and the girls and I were watching iCarly, -rolls eyes- Joooyyy. Anyway, I wasn't really paying that much attention, but there was this scene where Carly and Sam have more or less fallen off the side of a building and Spencer, or whatever his name is, has to pull them up via a rope that magically appeared out of nowhere. And I am sitting here going "Wow, There is no way that he'd be able to those two up by himself. They must way a ton." And one of the little girls goes, "Yea. There like 16 years old." So I repsond, "Together, they must weight close to 300 pounds." To this, the little girl's head whips around and give me the most baizarre look. "No?! Maybe like 50 pounds."

And that comment just floored me. I mean come on 50 pounds? Are you serious?! The average weight for girls that height is like 120-135-ish! Seriously. How sick is it, that these little girls think that a 16 year old that weighs 50 pounds is the norm?! I mean that is just wrong in my book.

I personally weigh a 150 pounds?! Granted, I am quite a bit taller and most of my weight can be contributed to the musscles in my GIGANTIC LUMBERJACK LEGS, but still...... WHAT THE HELL IS THIS WORLD COMING TOO?!

And having just recently finished a Sociology Project about the Female Body Image and the Objectification of Women, I believe I have enough information on the subject to know what the hell I'm talking about, when I say that I blame the Porn Industry and the Mass Media in general, for the grossly inaccurate mind set and/or the mental image of what the ideal woman should be, that these girls have been tricked into believing is the norm. -sigh-

.....Alright. So I suppose that's it for my angry rant of the day. Thanks for reading it, if you read it. And if you didn't oh well. Hahaha. Oh wait?! I have one more thing to say, I HATE TAYLOR SWIFT?! And my boyfriend is a doof.